Remain Useful

God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” - James 4:6

I once owned a car that had an intermittent flaw. Once in a while, the gas peddle would stick. There is nothing more unnerving that taking your foot off the gas peddle and finding the car is still accelerating. When a car becomes uncontrollable, it is useless and dangerous.

The same could be said of our lives. If we want God to make a positive difference through our lives, it is important that we remain useful.

Years ago, there was a popular license plate that read, “God is my Co-Pilot.” Typically, the license plate was on the front of a car owned by a well-meaning Christian. The problem is that God does not want to be your co-pilot. Instead, He should be the pilot. God is not interested in being second in command. As the old saying goes, God is either Lord of all or not Lord at all. Like that old car with the sticking accelerator, an uncontrollable Christian is rather useless and dangerous.

One of the worst sins in the church is pride. Sadly, ministers are often guilty of this sin. It is sad to see a preacher strut. An arrogant man is too proud to relinquish control of his life to the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that God resists the proud. He will not share His glory with another.

While God resists the proud, our text teaches us that He gives grace to the humble. Humble Christians are easily used by the Lord. If we wish to remain usable in God's work, we need to remain humble. The real problem with humility is that those who have it don't think they do and those who think they have it really don't. It is possible to be proud of your humility … and that is the worst form of pride.

I bought a pair of work gloves last year. I think there is a valuable lesson to learn from gloves. A person's life is just like a glove. Until it is properly filled, it is rather useless. That describes our lives without the Lord, doesn't it? Yet it is possible for a glove to be filled with dirt. A dirt-filled glove is rather useless, too. A worker must empty the dirt out before he will use the glove. When a man is rather proud, we tend to say, “he is full of himself.” Yes, the glove is full … of dirt. Only when we are emptied of sin and self can the Spirit fill us. Just like a competent hand in a work-glove, the Spirit fills a man, making him useful.

A talented worker can accomplish great things while wearing gloves. We can see great things done through our lives as the Spirit fills us and uses us, too. Even old, worn gloves can still be useful if a talented worker uses them.

There is a temptation for an humble man to get proud when he realizes that God is using him. He is tempted to take credit for God's work. Rather foolish, isn't it? A competent worker may build an impressive house. Yet no one ever praises the gloves he wore, do they? They always praise the builder.

When the Lord uses us, He alone should be praised. We're just useless gloves until He fills us. We remain usable to Him as we remain humble. When we get full of ourselves, we are not useful at all.

The key to a fruitful Christian life is found in a life of humility. Being used of God is an honor and privilege. Don't allow pride to ruin the experience.

Stay humble. That is how you remain useful.

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