Online Church

 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much more, as ye see the day approaching.” - Hebrews 10:25

Covid-19 altered the normal activities of American citizens for several months. In spite of the fact that Covid still exists, Americans are getting back to normal activities. Ball games are conducted. Concerts are being staged. Citizens are shopping at the mall again. Walmart is full of shoppers. People are traveling once more. The beach is a popular destination again for vacationers. It's good to see Americans getting back to their normal routine.

One thing that changed drastically during Covid-19 was the ministry of the local church. Many churches conducted “online services,” for their congregation. Using social media, churches broadcasted their services for everyone to see and enjoy. Online church became a normal ministry for churches across the land.

Online church continues for many congregations. Although online church has become popular, let me share with you the positive aspects of online church and the problems with online church.


First of all, when it comes to the positive aspects of online church, we must admit that there are several good things that such a platform offers. First of all, it gives churches a marvelous opportunity to minister to dear saints that are unable to physically attend. Some are bedridden and can't attend church. These saints are provided with the blessing of enjoying the hymns and hearing God's Word proclaimed. Whether they are in the hospital, nursing home or restricted to bed at their own home, these believers can worship the Lord from their bed of affliction.

Secondly, there are some who are required to work on Sunday. Firemen, police officers, doctors, nurses and others may be on duty during normal services. Whether they can watch or listen to a church service while it is streaming live or listen to it later, they can still hear God's Word proclaimed, via the internet.

Third, there are unbelievers who may never darken the door of a church otherwise, who may tune into an online service. Perhaps such an experience will lead to their conversion. Paul wrote, “I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” Are we using “all means” to reach the lost? Online church may be a powerful way to globally reach unbelievers with the Gospel.


There are great reasons for churches to conduct online services. I applaud those churches that are using social media to minister to saints and reach the lost with the Gospel. In spite of the positive aspects of online church, there are problems with this ministry.

First of all, it takes social interaction away from our lives. While we can enjoy online fellowship, it isn't the same as in-person fellowship. Our society has become withdrawn from social activities. Of all places, the church should be a place for believers to gather and encourage each other. Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together …” While there can be an element of fellowship with others online, it is not a substitute for in-person fellowship. We are meant to grow through our relationships. This is normal. Seeking fellowship by sitting in front of a computer is not normal. We need to foster healthy, growing relationships. We need social contact with others.

Secondly, the local church is to be a place of public worship. Recently on Facebook, I noticed that someone in California was claiming membership in a church in Tennessee. This person had never visited the church in person and probably never would, yet claimed membership there because of online services. This is not what the Lord has in mind for us. We need to faithfully attend, contribute and participate in a local church. We need to minister to others and be ministered to through a local body of believers. The local church is a place to grow, give and serve. There is much you can't do online. Online church has made it convenient to stay at home. At home you don't have to be committed to anything. With online services, you can watch (if you want) or walk away at any time when something else prompts you to. There are no expectations or responsibilities for those who watch via online church. We need the fellowship, teaching and accountability that a local church affords. Don't be a hypocrite that expects a church to be available for your family's weddings and funerals, yet you never darken its doors otherwise. You need the local church and the local church needs you. Apart from a bedridden situation or work responsibilities, we have no excuse to stay home on Sunday mornings. There is something much better than online church … and that's in-person church.

As you've seen, online services have positive aspects. Online services can be a great ministry to many and should be encouraged. But for most people, it is time to get back in church. Show up this Sunday and continue attending every Sunday.

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