The Ministry of Truth

"And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.” - Acts 4:18

Currently, the President of the United States is trying to establish, “the ministry of truth,” in an effort to control information on social media and other platforms. Officially, its intent is to, “protect privacy, civil rights and civil liberties.” In other words, its purpose is to eliminate what the administration considers to be, “misinformation.”

I don't consider myself to be among those who spread conspiracy theories, but I really object to the government operating a “ministry of truth.” I have great concern about the Federal government's effort to police free speech in America. The feared consequence of such a “ministry of truth,” is the control of free speech. Those leading such a “ministry” would have political agendas and biases, making decisions based upon these prejudices. The regulation of free speech could ultimately include censoring the Church's effort to spread the Gospel.

In George Orwell's book, “1984,” a “ministry of truth” was established by the government so they could control information that would align with its purposes. Of course, Orwell's book was a work of fiction, but present-day news has made this a reality.

History should teach us that the government is a terrible administrator of information. It is the Church, not the government, that operates the ministry of truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, THE TRUTH and the life.” Our message is not a message tainted by political bias. Instead, the Christian message is a bold declaration of the truth.

To be rather candid, the enemy has been successful in silencing the church's voice in America. The Church remains mute while the world tries to redefine and falsely interpret truth. We don't need the government telling us what we can and cannot say. This happened to the early church in Acts chapter 4. Rulers declared it illegal to speak or preach in the Name of Jesus. Rather than becoming wimpy, compromising robots of the state, the early church huddled together in prayer and came out with greater courage, boldly preaching the truth. O, that today's church would rise out of its lethargy, repent of her apathy and return to preaching with boldness.

As believers, we have been divinely ordained with the ministry of truth. We don't need governmental approval to spread the truth. We have a commission from our General to share the truth. We don't need to water down the message. We shouldn't be ashamed. We have been COMMANDED by God to spread the truth.

As believers, let us believe the truth, tell the truth and spread the truth. It may be unpopular, but people need to hear the truth about sin and judgment. They need to hear about God's love, expressed through the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ. We need to continually proclaim the message of the crucifixion and resurrection. Folks need to hear the truth that salvation is available only through Christ. People need to hear that they need to respond now by turning from sin and trusting Jesus alone for their salvation.

The ministry of truth is not a governmental role, it is the Christian's responsibility and privilege. Since we have been given this glorious ministry, we need to be faithful in sharing the message of truth with everyone we meet.

Spread the truth today!

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