Thank You


In every thing give thanks.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

As humans, we find it difficult to say the right things at times. We find it challenging and embarrassing to say things like, “I'm sorry,” “I was wrong,” or “I love you.” Despite the difficulty in saying these things, it is imperative that we get used to saying them … and saying them with sincerity.

Let's be honest. Most of us are terrible at expressing our gratitude. When I was growing up, my parents had to train me to say, “thank you.” It didn't come easy. These days, it is getting easier to express my thanks. This is due, in part, to the fact I recognize my unworthiness to receive anything. I tend to appreciate the effort and cost involved in the things I receive. Although I am still learning, I don't want to be apathetic about expressing my gratitude.

It is important to thank others for the things they do. Whether it is a waitress at a restaurant, a mechanic who repairs your car or a doctor that diagnoses and treats an ailment, we need to let others know that we appreciate the work they do for us.

Expressing such gratitude needs to begin at home. Let your spouse know that you appreciate the things he or she does for you. “Thank you,” should be two words that are verbalized in your home daily.

Most of all, we need to express our thanks to the Lord. He is the One responsible for all our blessings, including many that we take for granted or overlook.

As we approach Thanksgiving Day here in America, most Americans will treat this holiday as just a day off from work. They will celebrate with food, family and football. Yet this holiday is designed to remind all of us that we need to express our thanksgiving to the Lord. As Christians, may this be our primary goal on Thanksgiving Day ... and every day.

Despite all of the bad news that surrounds us, we have much to be grateful for. The Lord has been good to us. We should let Him know how much we appreciate Him.

Let us thank Him for our daily provisions. I believe Christians should give thanks for their food every day. Additionally, the Lord has provided us with a place to live, clothes to wear and resources to make our lives comfortable. When was the last time you thanked Him for these things?

Also, we should thank Him for family and friends. The Lord has granted us special relationships to make our lives rich and full. He has brought people into our lives who encourage, inspire and challenge us. Be grateful for these special people. Most of all, thank the Lord for them.

Don't forget to thank the Lord for the portion of health you enjoy. It is only by God's grace that you are alive today. It is by His grace that you are not in the ICU or a nursing home. Your next breath is a gift from the Lord.

Most of all, we need to thank the Father for giving us His Son. He saw our hopeless condition and did the unthinkable. He sent His Son to die upon a cross to redeem us from sin. You and I are loved deeply by the One who sits upon the throne. Through the blood of Christ, our sins have been forgiven. We've experienced the second birth. We are now children of God. What magnificent love the Father has for unworthy people like us! Never forget to thank Him for this sacrificial love. Never forget to thank Him for salvation by grace through His Son.

Lord, we sincerely say to You, THANK YOU!

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