The Throne of Grace


Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” - Hebrews 4:16

When your burdens seem overwhelming, do you have someone you can call, knowing that they will pray for you? Do you have a prayer partner or someone special who knows how to reach heaven on your behalf? I think every person should have such a friend.

Here's the big question. Are you that friend to someone else? When someone asks you to pray, do you take the request seriously and pray zealously for the need? Do others know you to be a person of prayer? Can others count on you, knowing that you will pray for them when they ask?

Prayer is a responsibility, but it is also a privilege. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” When we pray with faith, we come to the throne of God.

Ordinary people like you and me are not permitted in many important areas. For instance, we aren't permitted to visit the Oval Office any time we want to. Yet there is a place we can come at anytime that is greater than the Oval Office. We can come to the throne of God!!!

The Bible invites believers to “... come boldly unto the throne of grace.” Why should we come boldly unto the throne? The reason we can come boldly to the throne is because we have been given personal access to the throne. Let me explain.

When you get on the internet, you must have a password. Once properly set, this password gives you access to the internet. In a similar fashion, we have been given access to the throne of God with a special password: JESUS. When Jesus died on the cross, He gave us privilege to use His Name to approach the throne. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn in two. The veil had been placed there to keep people away from the Holy of Holies. The veil split when Jesus died, opening the way for us to come to the very throne room of God. We don't come to the throne in arrogance, boasting of our worthiness. Instead, we come with confidence that the Name of Jesus is worthy of the Father's attention. We aren't worthy, but we come in the Name of One who is.

In the book of Esther, no one could come before the king uninvited, including the queen herself. Anyone who would dare approach the king uninvited would be put to death. The only exception would be if he held out his golden scepter. The king was under no obligation to hold out his golden scepter, but when he did, it was an act of grace. Brothers and sisters, because of Jesus, the golden scepter of grace has been held out to every believer who comes to the throne in His Name. Isn't that exciting news?

When we pray in the Name of Jesus, we come to the throne. Our prayers are heard and answered by the One who occupies that throne. It is there that we find mercy and grace that we need. Not just for ourselves, but for others, too. Grace is God's unmerited favor. Grace is the mercy and blessings God bestows upon us in spite of our unworthiness. We need His grace. So do others. Thankfully, there is a place we can go to find grace for ourselves and others. The Bible refers to God's throne as the throne of grace.

R. A. Torrey gives us great advice about prayer, “Before a word of petition is offered, we should have the definite and vivid consciousness that we are talking to God, and should believe that He is listening to our petition and is going to grant the things that we ask of Him. We should look to the Holy Spirit to really lead us into the presence of God and should not be hasty in words until He has actually brought us there.”

Be a person of prayer. Stay in close communion with the Lord. Be a person that others can look to when they have a desperate need for prayer. Let us continually come to the throne, talk with the King and receive His blessings. It is a glorious privilege to approach the very throne of God.

Come boldly to the throne of grace.

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