Live Like He's Risen


Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.” - John 20:20

When I was growing up, my favorite holiday was Christmas. Thanksgiving Day was my second favorite holiday. These two days were special because of the memories surrounding them. As a child, I looked forward to receiving Christmas gifts. At Thanksgiving, I enjoyed a huge meal with the Lane Family on Belcher Mountain. I still have fond memories of those days.

As an adult, my focus has shifted. Now I've come to realize that the most important holiday is the one we call Easter. Actually, the proper title for the day should be Resurrection Day. In fact, if you properly place Good Friday along with Easter, you will find that the greatest event in human history occurred in this three-day span. On Good Friday, Jesus Christ went to the cross and there He shed His blood to pay for our sins. His sacrificial death upon the cross is the means by which we have eternal life. On the third day, He arose, proving that His sacrifice was accepted by the Father and is sufficient for our sin debt. His resurrection also guarantees our future resurrection.

Think of the implications of His resurrection. The impact of that event should consume us. What greater miracle could ever be than for a dead man to come back to life? During His ministry, Jesus had performed this miracle more than once on others, yet now He is the One who has risen. This risen Savior has now returned to glory and is sitting beside His Father. Yet this same Jesus has promised to indwell every believer. As Paul once wrote, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

What is impossible for God? He is able to do all things. Yet the risen Redeemer indwells us! This miracle-working Savior resides in each one of us!

Yet this brings up a puzzling question. If the risen redeemer lives within us, why do we live such lukewarm, apathetic and dreary lives? Why aren't we excited to live each day? Why do we look upon life with awful gloom?

The fact is that most church members only give verbal assent to Jesus' resurrection. We aren't living like He's really alive. When the disciples finally realized that Jesus was alive, they were never the same. Their gloom turned to glee. Their horror turned to happiness. Their faith was renewed. They were glad when they saw the Lord.

It is time for each of us to ask the sobering question: do I REALLY believe that Jesus has risen? Think about that question seriously. If our answer is a resounding yes, then we need to take the issue further. If we truly believe He has risen, what are we facing today, or will ever face, that can erode the impact of our Lord's resurrection? If we face problems, we do so with this risen Lord helping us. If we face pain, the One who was pierced for us will sustain us. When we face our own mortality, we do so with the comfort of the One who died willingly for us. As we approach the end of earthly life, we know that because of His resurrection, we are assured of a resurrection ourselves.

Every day, we should live like He has risen. We should live with excitement, serving the living King. As Adrian Rogers once said, “We ought to be living as if Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back this afternoon.”

Do not let the world distract you from the cross and the empty tomb. Because of His resurrection, we face a grand and glorious future. In the meanwhile, we walk in victory and assurance because this living Lord actually lives in us.

Do you believe that Jesus is alive today? If so, live like it!

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