Making A Difference Where You Are


Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” - John 4:35

Many Christians think that only pastors and missionaries are used of God to make a difference in the lives of others. This simply isn't true. You may never be called to preach. You may never be led to go a foreign country as a missionary. Yet God can still use you. In fact, He can use you where you are right now. You don't have to cross the globe or even across the nation to be useful in the Lord's work. Sometimes you just need to walk across the street.

God has strategically placed us among people who need help. Perhaps they need a word of encouragement. Maybe they need a friend to confide in. It could be that people around us need salvation.

As Americans, we tend to overlook the obvious. We can watch the national news and be troubled about a catastrophe in another country, yet fail to notice the incredible pain and loss being experienced by our neighbors.

While there is a need to contribute to agencies and ministries that are helping people in need nationally and internationally, we can also make a difference right here at home. God uses common people like you and me to positively impact lives for His glory. We don't need a seminary degree to make a difference. In John chapter 4, our Lord taught this lesson to His disciples. Jesus saw the crowd around Him and said, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” There are some basic things we can do to minister to those around us.


The Lord was ministering among a crowd of people. Looking at the crowd, Jesus saw something that the disciples didn't. The disciples may have just seen a large group of people who were looking for a miracle or a free meal. Perhaps they considered the crowd to be a nuisance or an interruption. Jesus looked at the crowd with compassion. He saw the people as a harvest field. He saw needy people who needed spiritual help.

What do we see around us? The interruptions that disturb us may actually be spiritual opportunities. The complaints of others may actually be cries of help. The sad faces we encounter probably reflect empty lives.

We need to look at others as Jesus would look at them. We need to be more observant to the people God places around us. Some downtrodden soul may be contemplating suicide. A somber, silent woman may be going through the trauma of divorce. A man may seem distracted because a member of his family is dying.

People are hurting. There are many who need a miracle right now. Folks are facing dire situations. You may be one conversation away from helping one of these fellow pilgrims.


Secondly, we need to listen to people around us. When we engage in conversations, we can learn a lot about others. Be attentive. James 1:19 says, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” James gives us practical advice that we need to implement. Be quick to listen.

As Americans, we struggle when it comes to listening. We are eager to talk. We want to contribute to a conversation. We listen only to find a place to speak, rather than truly hearing. When we listen to others, we can learn much about them, their plans, their dreams and their pain.

If we practiced the discipline of listening, we would learn a great deal about the people around us. The people God uses the most to make a difference tend to be those who listen the best.


Finally, when we look and listen, we can understand how to best minister to the needs of those closest to us. Rather than going through our day focused solely on ourselves, we would realize that there are people very close to us who have dire needs.

Honestly, we can't solve all the problems that exist in the lives of others. At times we can help. In those moments, we may be the answer to somebody's prayers. Even in those situations where we can't help, at least we can offer encouragement, prayer and sympathy.

Our Lord saw the great crowd around Him and saw their spiritual need. He had compassion on them.

We should do the same.

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