Practical Ways To Make A Difference


Ye are the salt of the earth.” - Matthew 5:13
Ye are the light of the world.” - Matthew 5:14

When Jesus said that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, He was emphasizing the fact that we are called to be difference makers. With His empowerment, we are to positively impact this world for His glory.

For some time, I've been writing about impacting the world around us. I want to close out this series by concentrating on practical ways to make a difference. These are very fundamental things, yet they are a foundation you can build on. These are simple ideas that anyone can implement. Don't overlook these concepts because they are basic. Often the Lord uses the simple things of life to make the biggest difference.

Here are some practical ways you can make a difference today.


Do not underestimate what God will do in response to prayer. We need more praying people, not less. A. J. Gordon is famous for saying, “You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.”

I believe the great need of this hour is for the Church to get back to prayer. We need more prayer warriors. We need more intercessors. We need believers who will specifically pray for others and their needs. Keep a prayer list. Use it daily. Come to the throne of grace and talk to the Lord on behalf of others.

Southern Gospel Music pioneer, James D. Vaughan, once wrote a song entitled, “I Need The Prayers of Those I Love.” That title is so true for us today!

God provides specific answers to specific prayers, so pray specifically today.


Secondly, practice “the ministry of presence.” Minister to people in their hour of need. Be there for those who are going through sorrow. Visit those who are in the hospital. Check on those who are sick. When Mary and Martha experienced enormous grief, our Lord's visit made a powerful difference.

People don't always remember the words spoken to them during a crisis, but they do remember the people who were there for them.


Also, provide encouragement to others. Some are going through deep valleys. Befriend such people. Let them know that you care. Be attentive as they share their burdens. Demonstrate your love with acts of kindness. Be a minister of encouragement.


Another way God uses people to make a difference is through their generosity. No, you don't have to be rich to be generous, just have a generous heart. Giving to the needy, hungry and destitute makes a difference. Give to ministries that serve such needs.

Giving is not restricted to money. Give of your time. Give of your talents. Give your attention.


Next, share the Gospel with others. When you share the Gospel, you are sowing seed that can bring an eternal harvest. Many need the Lord. They need the same Gospel that changed us. It may be that some soul you meet today is one conversation away from salvation. Make the investment that yields eternal dividends. Share the Gospel with those you meet along the way.


Finally, serve others. Serve at a soup kitchen. Serve at church. Volunteer at a local hospital. There is no shortage of need, but there is a severe shortage of servants. Our Lord gave us an example when He washed His disciples' feet. This act was typically performed by the lowest servant, yet our Lord washed feet. Let's be foot-washing Christians. Serve without seeking attention. Serve without asking for a title or compensation. Serve others in Jesus' Name. Let's practice the advice that Solomon gave, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”

These are just some basic ideas. Hopefully, these ideas will provoke you to think of creative ways to make a difference at your home, at work, at church, in your community and throughout the world.

As children of the King, let's serve as His ambassadors, being used of Him to make a difference in this world in the time we have left.

Today is a good day to begin.

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