The End Of The Harvest


The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” - Jeremiah 8:20

I live in the mountains of West Virginia. Here in these hills, many residents have a garden each year. Raising a garden in these mountains can be challenging. You have to battle insects, rough terrain, wild animals and uncertain weather just to enjoy a crop. Gardens begin to dissipate in August. Typically by Labor Day, most of the gardening for the year is over.

The Bible often uses agricultural terms to illustrate spiritual truth. In Biblical times, many people lived off the land. They knew how important it was to sow seed. They realized the importance of tending crops. They were also aware that harvest time was so vital to their welfare.

In this regard, the Old Testament prophet writes about the end of the harvest. There will come a time when the harvest will be over. For many years, God's people have been spreading the Gospel. Through preaching, teaching and personal soul-winning, believers have been sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Souls continue to be saved. Lives are changed by the power of the Word.

Our time to work in the harvest field is limited because the harvest is nearly over. There will come a time when our Lord will return. We are wrong to believe that there will always be time to win souls. We are mistaken to think that people will always have time to repent. It will be a sad time when the harvest ends.

When I was growing up, I would go through the garden at the end of summer. Old plants that once bore many green beans would be wilted. Inevitably, I would still find a bean or two on these plants. They were never harvested and would be destroyed along with the wilted plants.

How sad it will be when people face the reality that the summer is past and they are not saved. The harvest has ended. The workers are called home. The opportunity to repent is forever gone. When the harvest ends, there will be no hope for the unsaved.

It is time for Christians to get busy in the harvest field. Quit complaining about the heat. Stop fussing about the meager efforts of others. Get into the harvest field and work to win souls. It is one thing to think about it, it is another thing to be a worker in the field. Good intensions never produce a harvest. Let's get busy in the harvest field. Time is running out.

The summer is ending. The harvest is coming to an end. Are you saved? It is time to get right with God. Look to Jesus Christ alone for salvation. You are not promised tomorrow. The harvest and the workers will be gathered home very soon.

Will you be among that number?

Help Wanted


Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” - Matthew 9:38

The first job I ever had was at a local radio station. I started as a part-time employee, working the weekends. I knew virtually nothing about broadcasting. Back then, a lot of the programming was automated, so the operator's primary duty was to make sure the right commercials were lined up to run and the reel-to-reel tapes of music did not run out.

After a month or two, my part-time job grew into a full-time job. I worked at that radio station for eleven years. I learned a lot from that job.

These days, it is isn't uncommon to see businesses advertise for workers. Even though the economy is struggling, here in WV there are jobs available. In my area, the big problem is finding workers who can pass a drug test. Sad, isn't it?

Our Lord instructed His disciples to, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” There is a dire need for workers in the harvest field. There is so much to do and few people to do the work.

Those who labor in the harvest field must be “sent forth” by the “Lord of the harvest.” In other words, God calls and equips people to serve. He gives them the assignment where they should serve. For a few, this assignment takes them overseas as missionaries. For most, they are appointed to serve right where they live.

Do you ever pray for more workers to be sent? You should because Jesus commanded us to pray about this. Pray to the Lord of the harvest. Specifically ask for more laborers to be sent. The work is overwhelming and time is fleeting. Pray for more workers to be sent.

The big question is this. Are you working in the harvest field? You have family members, co-workers, neighbors and friends who are lost. Perhaps you've been praying for God to send someone to speak to these individuals. Has it ever occurred to you that the worker God has in mind … is you?

While you pray for more workers, I think it is important to volunteer yourself. Be like Isaiah, who said, “Here am I, send me!”

I'll admit that laboring in the harvest field is exhausting work. The field is large. The heat seems unbearable at times. Many criticize the workers. At times, the work seems unproductive. Paul addressed this when he wrote, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

To be rather candid, most Christians want to enjoy the product of the harvest without investing in the process of the harvest. Yet, the product of the harvest can only come when we invest in the process.

Several years ago, singer and songwriter, Lanny Wolfe, wrote these pensive words:

My house is full, but my field is empty,
Who will go and work for Me today.
It seems my children all want to stay around my table,
But no one wants to work in my fields.

There is a need for more workers in the field. God is looking for servants, men and women who will work without a title or applause. He is looking for people who will serve faithfully, not part time. He wants people who will willingly work in the harvest field because they love Jesus and are concerned for others.

Will you be that person?

Harvest Time


Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” - John 4:35

There is nothing like fresh produce straight from the garden. You can't find anything better than fresh green beans, corn on the cob or newly dug potatoes. Most Americans eat from a can, but the best food comes directly from a garden.

In the region where I live, it is not uncommon to find families raising a garden. However, these gardens don't really compare to the harvest field that Jesus referred to in the Gospels. In Biblical days, these huge wheat fields spanned for acres and required diligent work. Yet, Jesus spoke of these harvest fields metaphorically. Rather than a field of wheat or produce, the harvest field He referred to was a harvest field of souls. Referring to people, Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.”

We need to look around ourselves. God has strategically placed us among needy people. Some are hurting. Others are searching. Many are deceived. So many people are lost. We've been placed among these people so that we may share the Good News of Jesus with them.

As we look around, we find that the fields are ready for harvest right now. We are living in harvest time. Others may have planted. Yet we have the privilege of gathering in the harvest. It is hard work, but very rewarding.

Sadly, many believers are not working in the harvest field. Although the spiritual need among us has never been greater, we've been deceived into thinking that we just need to mind our own business. Really? We aren't called to mind our own business. We are called to be about our Father's business. The business at hand is the salvation of souls.

I don't possess the power to save souls. Neither do you. However, we've been given the opportunity to go to the field and work.

For those who raise gardens, this is harvest time. The summer is winding down. Crops need to be gathered in. These are the final days of harvest. The same is true spiritually. This is harvest time. We have just a few days to work, so let's get busy.

Too many Christians are arm-chair farmers. They sit in their recliner and expect to reap a harvest. It doesn't work that way. No one ever reaps a harvest from their living room. Watching a TV show about the harvest is not the same thing is working in a harvest field. It is time we get out of the recliner and get busy in the harvest field, winning souls.

These days it seems like Christians want to complain or fuss. We don't have time to stand around and complain. There is a harvest to reap.

The Psalmist wrote, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” The long season of heartfelt prayer and sowing of the Gospel seed leads to a harvest time of rejoicing.

Others have worked the fields before us. We continue to work in the same fields ourselves. As we face our final days in the harvest field, let us do so faithfully, dependently and expectantly.

This is harvest time.

A Graveyard Revival


Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet.” - 2 Kings 13:21

In our text, we find that Elisha has died. Yet the story of Elisha’s ministry doesn’t end with his death. I don’t know about you, but I want my life and ministry to leave a legacy for others after I’m gone. From the life of Elisha, I learn a tremendous lesson about legacy: When you live a life of obedience, you leave a legacy for others.

Elisha is now dead. Yet despite the fact that he is dead, God still used him to make a difference. The body and bones of Elisha was used of God to revive a dead man. That’s right. A dead man was revived at the cemetery. There was a graveyard revival.

From our text, I learn about revival. I’ve been praying about revival, haven’t you? As I look at this text, I learn three important components of revival:


As I look at our text, I realize that revival commences with desperation. In our text, a little group of Israelites were burying a dead man. At the very moment they were in the cemetery, the Moabities invaded the land. They didn’t have time to put the dead man in his own grave, so in desperation, they threw him in the grave of Elisha. If it weren’t for desperation, the dead man would have never been revived.

As I look at revival in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and church history, I have found that revival usually begins with desperation. Desperate times require desperate measures. I really believe that desperation drives people to their knees.

I believe that many churches are like graveyards. Yet I believe that God is able to bring a graveyard revival today. I believe that America is a spiritual graveyard. We have churches but not Christ. We have ritual without the relationship. We have religion without righteousness. We have plush without power. America is a spiritual graveyard and needs revival. But mark my words, there will not be a revival in America until the people of America gets desperate enough to fall to their knees.


From our text, we find that the dead man came to life after two important events: his was lowered into Elisha’s grave and his body contacted Elisha’s bones.

I believe we find two important truths from this story. Revival continues with consecration when there is contrition. The dead man was lowered down. Desperation causes us to fall down upon our knees. Humility is the path to glory. The Bible says, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up.” A lack of humility keeps most Christians from experiencing revival.

Secondly, we learn that revival continues with consecration when there is connection. The dead man’s body came in contact with the bones of the man of God, Elisha. Brother, we need to get back to having holy connection with God. Many are content to visit with Christ instead of abiding in Christ. Can you honestly say that you are in full fellowship with God right now? Are there outstanding issues in your life that need addressing? Do you have unconfessed sins in your life? Have you neglected God? Have you neglected your duty? I believe that most of us would have to admit that our connection with God is not as strong as it ought to be. Though we are secure, we need that connection made stronger.


Finally, revival culminates with transformation. Revival is a fresh experience with God that changes lives. If lives are not changed, revival has not occurred.

In our story, a change took place. The dead man was made to live again. That’s what the word “revival” means: to live again. I believe that the change made in the dead man’s life could only come from one source: God had to do it. I believe the same thing is true today. If God doesn’t show up and change lives, our planning and prayers will never change a thing. We need revival today!

I know this... Jesus is coming soon. There will be a graveyard revival when He comes. He is going to call all of the saints, dead & alive. We’ll meet Him in the air. A graveyard revival is impending.

If Jesus were to come today, are you sure that you are ready?

Holy Habits

HOLY HABITS “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7 We are creatures ...