A Graveyard Revival


Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders; so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet.” - 2 Kings 13:21

In our text, we find that Elisha has died. Yet the story of Elisha’s ministry doesn’t end with his death. I don’t know about you, but I want my life and ministry to leave a legacy for others after I’m gone. From the life of Elisha, I learn a tremendous lesson about legacy: When you live a life of obedience, you leave a legacy for others.

Elisha is now dead. Yet despite the fact that he is dead, God still used him to make a difference. The body and bones of Elisha was used of God to revive a dead man. That’s right. A dead man was revived at the cemetery. There was a graveyard revival.

From our text, I learn about revival. I’ve been praying about revival, haven’t you? As I look at this text, I learn three important components of revival:


As I look at our text, I realize that revival commences with desperation. In our text, a little group of Israelites were burying a dead man. At the very moment they were in the cemetery, the Moabities invaded the land. They didn’t have time to put the dead man in his own grave, so in desperation, they threw him in the grave of Elisha. If it weren’t for desperation, the dead man would have never been revived.

As I look at revival in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and church history, I have found that revival usually begins with desperation. Desperate times require desperate measures. I really believe that desperation drives people to their knees.

I believe that many churches are like graveyards. Yet I believe that God is able to bring a graveyard revival today. I believe that America is a spiritual graveyard. We have churches but not Christ. We have ritual without the relationship. We have religion without righteousness. We have plush without power. America is a spiritual graveyard and needs revival. But mark my words, there will not be a revival in America until the people of America gets desperate enough to fall to their knees.


From our text, we find that the dead man came to life after two important events: his was lowered into Elisha’s grave and his body contacted Elisha’s bones.

I believe we find two important truths from this story. Revival continues with consecration when there is contrition. The dead man was lowered down. Desperation causes us to fall down upon our knees. Humility is the path to glory. The Bible says, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up.” A lack of humility keeps most Christians from experiencing revival.

Secondly, we learn that revival continues with consecration when there is connection. The dead man’s body came in contact with the bones of the man of God, Elisha. Brother, we need to get back to having holy connection with God. Many are content to visit with Christ instead of abiding in Christ. Can you honestly say that you are in full fellowship with God right now? Are there outstanding issues in your life that need addressing? Do you have unconfessed sins in your life? Have you neglected God? Have you neglected your duty? I believe that most of us would have to admit that our connection with God is not as strong as it ought to be. Though we are secure, we need that connection made stronger.


Finally, revival culminates with transformation. Revival is a fresh experience with God that changes lives. If lives are not changed, revival has not occurred.

In our story, a change took place. The dead man was made to live again. That’s what the word “revival” means: to live again. I believe that the change made in the dead man’s life could only come from one source: God had to do it. I believe the same thing is true today. If God doesn’t show up and change lives, our planning and prayers will never change a thing. We need revival today!

I know this... Jesus is coming soon. There will be a graveyard revival when He comes. He is going to call all of the saints, dead & alive. We’ll meet Him in the air. A graveyard revival is impending.

If Jesus were to come today, are you sure that you are ready?

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