Getting A Good Report Card


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.” - Hebrews 11:1-2

When I was in grade school, I was an under-performer. I didn't try very hard at school. My grades reflected my lack of effort. My report cards weren't impressive. I never enjoyed showing my report card to my parents. They expected better grades than what I brought home.

I changed schools when I got to the seventh grade. I put more effort into my studies and, as a result, I got better grades. It felt better to bring home good report cards.

The writer of the book of Hebrews records that the Old Testament saints, “obtained a good report.” God, the Father, was pleased with their report card.

John was commanded to write to seven churches in Asia. Only two of the churches received a good report card. If God sent a report card to the American church, I doubt it would be very good.

But what about your life? If your character, conduct and conversations were graded, what kind of report card would you receive? Would be satisfied or embarrassed?

One day, every believer will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. There, our works will be tried. Are you looking forward to that event?

What notable fact to do we learn from the Old Testament saints? How were they able to get a good report card? The writer of the book of Hebrews gives us the simple answer. They obtained a good report --- by faith.

Faith is a word that is often used, but understand by few. Biblical faith is more than just “believing” data. A person may believe facts from the Bible and still not have Biblical faith.

Biblical faith is believing God, trusting Him and taking Him at His Word. Genuine faith produces outward obedience. The Old Testament saints obtained a good report by faith. Their faith is described in Hebrews chapter 11. In each case, it was “by faith,” that these saints obeyed God and were used by Him. They received a good report card because they trusted God --- to point of obedience and even sacrifice.

Today, many people have superficial faith. They merely believe the facts of the Bible. They believe there's a God in heaven, but not to the extent that they are willing to surrender to Him. The demons believe in God, but they are still demons. James wrote, “Faith without works is dead.”

Let me be very clear. I do not believe in salvation by works. Neither do I believe in salvation by grace plus works. Salvation comes by grace through faith. But genuine faith produces works. That's why Paul wrote, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” In other words, there should be an outward work from an inward faith.

To be honest, we have more reasons to exercise Biblical faith than the Old Testament saints had. We have the whole canon of Scripture available to us. We have the indwelling Holy Spirit. We have the local church as a powerful resource to aid us in our faith. The Old Testament saints had less resources, but they trusted God and their lives reflected this.

Does your life demonstrate a genuine faith in the Lord Jesus? Are you living by the Word of God? Is the fruit of the Spirit obviously seen in your life?

Ultimately, I want my Father to be pleased with me. He sees the good and the bad. He knows if I trust Him enough to obey Him.

When I stand before God, I want to have a good report card.

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