The Church And You


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” - Colossians 3:16

Here in America, there is a spiritual attack being conducted on the Christian church. Certainly, there is pressure and persecution from outside the church. During the Covid crisis, many wanted to keep churches closed. In California, for instance, more than one church faced huge fines because they continued having Sunday services in defiance of the government's order to stay closed. Pastor John MacArthur's church sued the state of California over these fines and won the case. Nevertheless, there is still an overt effort to silence and stop the American church.

Worst of all, there are problems within the church. Varying forms of carnality and sin act like cancer, eating away at the life of local congregations. One form of carnality that has infiltrated lives is the popular lie that the church is unimportant. There are “Christians” who use their social platforms to criticize the church. Those who criticize the church are usually the ones who rarely, if ever, attend a church. They even encourage others to stay away from church.

Let me be abundantly clear. The church is not man's idea. God is the One who started the church. The Bible states that the Lord loves the church and gave His life for her. If Jesus loves the church that much, shouldn't we? If we claim to be followers of Jesus, shouldn't we love what Jesus loves?

It is rather common for Christians to say, “We are not called to go to church, we are called to BE the church.” While this sounds good, it also undermines what Scripture teaches. It is true that we are to be the church, but part of this work is expressed through the ministry of a local church. Nowhere in the New Testament do we find direct or indirect instructions to avoid or neglect a local assembly of believers. To the contrary, believers were expected to be part of a local Bible believing church.

I know that many have been hurt by past experiences. Many have been injured by gossip, manipulation, and treated unfairly at church. Some have even been victims of abuse. I don't mean to belittle the pain that others have caused. I am sympathetic toward such victims. While I am sensitive to the pain some have endured, don't let pain blur your vision of God's plan.

God intends for His people to gather locally as a church. The Bible refers to the church as being a body. The human body has many parts. We have eyes, ears, a nose, arms, legs, etc. In a similar fashion, the church has many members. Each Christian is important and has much to contribute to the church. A missing member hinders a church and limits the church's impact. Thus, if you've been hurt by a church in the past, don't let that experience rob you of fellowship that God intends for you to enjoy. Find a good church and serve as a faithful member.

The American church is facing tough times. The enemy has strategically and successfully led many away from church. Church attendance is considered “optional,” by many professing believers. It is time for Christians to return to church. Faithfully attend. Pray for the church. Give to the church. Serve in the church. Pray for your pastor. Invite others to attend.

A good church may be difficult for you to find in your area. Keep looking. Don't look for a perfect church. Each church consists of imperfect people, thus the church itself is imperfect. You're not perfect either, so don't expect others to be.

If you are having a hard time finding a church, don't give up. It may be that a good church is a few miles away. I believe that a good church is worth the effort. Even if you have to drive a little further than you'd prefer, keep searching until you find the right place.

Quit making excuses. Find a good church & go regularly.

Start this Sunday!

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