Strong, Stable and Sturdy


And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18

The American church seems to be in a crisis right now. By and large our society considers the church to be of no importance. Even worse, many professing believers claim that there is little benefit in attending church. In 2019, over 4,500 Protestant churches closed their doors in America. Only 3,000 new churches were opened. You can do that math. Something is seriously wrong.

The fact is that churches across the globe are not in a crisis. Even in areas where Christians are severely persecuted, the underground church is alive and well. Although Christians are being mistreated and martyred in these countries, the Christian church is going forward. But here in America, the church has problems.

One of our problems is a lack of focus. The American Church is heavily invested in programs, personalities and politics. Some pastors have implemented programs designed to achieve worldly success and fame. Obviously, they have been enriched in the process. Here in America, we celebrate quick results. For many, numerical growth is the ultimate goal and they celebrate nearly any means to achieve this.

The American church needs to get back to her roots. The Church did not begin with a slick marketing program. Instead, it began in a prayer meeting. The phenomenal growth of the Church in the book of Acts was not the result of entertainment, but the preaching of the Word. The impact of the Church in the first century was felt because believers were convinced of the truth and were willing to risk their lives to share the Gospel message. We need to return to this.

The reason that churches are thriving in other countries is because they have not sunk to the level of American Christianity. They refuse to compromise. Instead, they are focusing on Jesus, not a polished preacher.


Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Some erroneously believe that the Church was built upon Peter. That is NOT the case. The nickname, “Peter,” was given to Simon by our Lord. The name, “Peter,” means little stone. In contrast to the little stone, Jesus said His Church would be built upon a rock. That rock is the Rock of Ages. The foundation of the Church is not a denomination, slick preacher or some music style. The Church is anchored on the Rock, Jesus Christ.

Contractors spend more time on the foundation than they do the super-structure. They know that the longevity and sturdiness of the building is dependent on this foundation. Buildings must be constructed to endure sturdy winds and severe storms. This is true of the church. The Church must have a foundation that is strong, stable and sturdy. That foundation is Jesus Christ.

The main reason that churches die is because they have built on a wrong foundation. When churches concentrate on tradition, a popular pastor or personal preferences, they are building on a flimsy foundation.

How is a church built on a firm foundation? By preaching the Gospel and worshiping Jesus Christ alone. Everything should be about Him. We need to divert our attention away from this world and its influences and focus solely on Jesus.


Most pastors think that is their job to grow a church. Sometimes a Christian talk-show host will introduce a pastor by saying, “He has built a church that has thousands of members.” If the pastor built the church, they are in trouble. It isn't the pastor's job to build the church. Jesus said, “I will build my church.” When He is the foundation of the church, the Lord takes care of the growth. In Acts 2:47 the Bible says, “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.”


Finally, Jesus said of the church, “... the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” While some local congregations may close their doors, overall, the Church of the Lord Jesus is still marching forward. Despite the efforts of a wicked world, the Church will continue to thrive. There will be times of pain, problems and persecution. A church that stands for the truth will endure great afflictions. The devil is out to destroy every congregation that exalts Jesus Christ. The enemy will try to stop any effort to evangelize a lost world. The future of a church is only as strong as its foundation. With Christ as the foundation, a church will be victorious.

There is a glorious future for the Church. Our Lord will soon come for His Bride, the Church. He will take us home to heaven where the marriage supper of the Lamb will be held. Things may look rather bleak here on earth, but our future is elsewhere. This world is not our home. Just like the old song says, “Anywhere is home as long as Christ, my Lord, is there!”

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