"My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me." - Psalm 63:8

You are following God as close as you want to.  That statement may seem to be false.  Popular Bible teachers sell books, CDs and DVDs that are advertised to help believers get closer to God.  While some of these resources may be beneficial, the fact is that our closeness to God is not some "secret" that only a few preachers know. 

The phrase, "My soul followeth hard after thee," is really translated to mean, "I cling close to Thee."  The choice to cling close to God is a personal decision that each believer makes daily.  Why aren't believers clinging close to God?  I believe that the enticements of this world distract many from the One who matters most.

What is keeping you from clinging close to God?  God is certainly willing for you to be close to Him. 

I need to clarify something.  We do not cling to God in order to be saved or remain saved.  Instead, we cling close to God because we want Him.  We want His fellowship.  We long to enjoy His company. 

Our security is found in the last part of our text, "... thy right hand upholdeth me."  We cling to God because we want Him.  He holds on to us to protect us and help us.  We are not secure because we hold on to Him.  We are secure because He is holding on to us.

God invites us to come close to Him.  He wants us to abide in Him.  Don't be satisfied with a long-distance relationship with God.  He desires more.  You need more.  There is no long-term satisfaction found in any other place than Christ Himself.

Don't disgrace your Lord by choosing something of lesser value to embrace.  Don't dishonor God by clinging to anything less than Him. 

Like the Fanny Crosby hymn, we should say,

"Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord, to the cross where Thou hast died;

Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord, to Thy precious, bleeding side."

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