"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." - Revelation 22:12

I admit that I am bothered about many things these days.  Political upheaval, racial unrest, violence, substance abuse and judicial rulings have many Americans stirred up.  It is troubling to see riots in the streets and people behaving so irresponsibly. 

On social media, there are passionate postings about personal views on these subjects.  While every American has the right to express themselves, I can't help but wonder why so many of my Christian friends on Facebook write more about their political views than about Jesus.  If you look at their Facebook wall, it is obvious where they stand on a number of issues, but spiritual content is rare to find.  It seems like they are more passionate about politics than they are about the Lord.

With all of the events going on in our world, I fear that many are missing the big picture. You see, any serious student of the Bible can recognize that Bible prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. 

In the final book of the Bible, our Lord said, "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."  While many fuss and fume over politics & others zealously debate the issues of healthcare and the economy, the true followers of Jesus should be passionate about His soon return.  That is something to get excited about!

As we ponder the words of our Lord, we learn two important facts:

Jesus said, "... behold, I come quickly..."  Jesus is returning in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.  When He comes, it will be too late to prepare.  Most individuals will not expect his return.  Despite the relevance of current events, most are oblivious to the spiritual implications.  For those of us who follow Christ, we should be excited that the Lord's return is at hand.

Just as a bride looks forward with great anticipation to her wedding day, the Bride of Christ should be looking for the return of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.  The wedding of the Lamb is at hand!

Our Lord's return includes a time of reward.  Our stewardship will be examined and rewarded.  Notice that Jesus used the word, "reward," in the singular form:  "... my reward is with me."  In this verse, Jesus doesn't specify what this reward will be.  From other passages, we know that crowns will be given one day. 

As we look with anticipation for His return, we should also be focused upon our stewardship.  Let us be busy working in His vineyard as we await His arrival.  There is much to do in the little time that remains.  Many souls need Jesus.  Many saints need help & encouragement.  Let's get busy in the Name of the Lord! 

Realizing that Jesus is coming very soon & He will reward our stewardship, we should heed the Apostle Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 15:58:  "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

For the child of God, the Lord's return will not be a sad occasion, but a glorious event ... and it may happen any moment.

That's something to get excited about!


"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." - Jude v. 24-25

During a typical year, accolades are given to highly successful athletes, actors and musicians.  It is not uncommon to turn the TV on & see an awards show of some kind being broadcast.

It is interesting to go back and research the archives and learn who won awards in previous decades.  Some of the award winners had short-term success & have since become unknown to most Americans.  It is a sobering reminder that success is fleeting.

There is One who has received praise in the past and will continue to receive it in the future.  He is the only One truly deserving of praise.  Most in our society today reject Him, yet their rejection does not diminish His worthiness.  He is worthy of our praise.  Although many wish to disregard Him, God is deserving of our highest praise. 

Presently at my church, I am preaching verse-by-verse through the New Testament book of Jude.  Jude concludes his epistle with a rousing climax:  "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."  These two verses constitute shouting material for the Spirit-filled believer.  Let's look at three things these verses reveal.

First of all, we learn about the saint's preservation.  Jude wrote, "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling..."  It is an exciting thought that we are kept by the power of God.  While our nation offers social security, God offers His people spiritual security.  Social security is limited, but God's security is endless.  This should cause us to rejoice!  My preservation is in His hands and not my own.  Allstate Insurance advertises that, "you are in good hands with Allstate."  There's better help than that!  You're in good hands when you're in God's hands!  In John 10:27-28, Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."  We're in secure hands because the Lord is protecting us!

Secondly, Jude reveals a future presentation.  One day the Lord will "present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy."  We will never be perfect in this life, but one day the Lord will present us faultless.  He has a lot of work to do on me, what about you? 

Furthermore, we'll be presented faultless before the presence of His glory.  What an amazing thought!  We will be on display amid the splendor of His glory.  Notice that He will do it with great joy!  He will have great joy in presenting us on that day.  We, who've been changed by His amazing grace, will be a joy to Him!  That leads us back to where we started ... His praise!

After such stirring insight, Jude concludes with a fitting doxology:  "To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."  Our awesome Savior deserves such a glorious tribute!  He will deserve our praise throughout eternity in heaven ... and yet He deserves our praise right now.  We have reason to rejoice and give Him praise.  Because of love, He chose us.  Through His mercy, He purchased us.  By His grace, He saved us.  With His power, He sustains us.  Ultimately, He will transform us into His likeness.  When you consider all He has done, is doing and will do in & through your life, it should make you want to shout & sing!

He is worthy of our praise!!!!


"Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God." - 3 John 11

It is amazing that people tend to overlook major character flaws.  Sometimes good Christian girls ignore obvious faults in the boys they date.  Christian businessmen can disregard evident faults in those that they partner with.  Believers can support politicians with blind faith, choosing to overlook glaring defects.  When we choose to overlook the major character flaws of those we wish to align ourselves with, we do so to our own peril.

When John wrote his third epistle, he cautioned his readers, "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good."  It is important who and what we follow.  Jesus once told a rich young ruler that there is only One who is good & that is God.  If we are to follow what is good, we must follow the Lord.

As born again believers, we should live and walk by faith.  This is not a faith that has no foundation.  Many have followed cult leaders & it ended up costing them their lives.  There is a major difference between following a cult & following Christ.  A cult is deceitful and deadly.  Christ spoke truth and offers life.

As we follow Christ, we must be careful about the amount of confidence we place in others.  Paul instructed believers not to put confidence in the flesh.  Our allegiance belongs to God.  Although we should live under the authority of those who lead us, we must be discerning about the things they teach and our response to their leadership.

While we should avoid all forms of falsehood and sin, we must aggressively seek the things that are good.  We are not accountable for the errors of others but we are accountable for our own decisions and deeds. 

When Christ indwells a man, the internal work of the Spirit will manifest outward fruit.  When the good, gracious Lord resides within a man, good fruit will be obvious.  Evil fruit is the result of an evil heart --- an unregenerate heart.  That's why John wrote, "He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God."

It is important to study the fruit of those you entrust to lead you.  It is far more important to examine your own fruit. 

Although good works will never save you, a life of good fruit is a good indication of a good work that Christ has performed within you. 

It is possible to look at others through rose-colored glasses, but it is even more deceptive when you look at yourself that way.  An honest appraisal may keep you from eternal ruin.  If your life has manifested evil fruit, it is time to repent and diligently seek the mercy and grace of God.

The Psalmist wrote, "Depart from evil and do good."  Instead of following the wrong crowd to the wrong destination, turn around and start following the only One who offers eternal life.

You can never go wrong when you follow the One who is always right.


"I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father." - 2 John 4

Most teenagers drop out of church after they graduate high school.  That fact concerns me greatly.  Many youth leaders agonize over the teenage dropout rate.  Although young people are taught Biblical truth at their local church, worldly distractions tend to lure them away as they enter adulthood. 

I think there are a number of reasons for the teenage dropout in most churches.  First and foremost, most of these teenagers never experience genuine salvation for themselves.  Sure, they may be led to make an emotional decision, but that is not necessarily a new birth experience.  Secondly, many young people grow up without parental spiritual guidance.  Sadly, many of them only receive spiritual influence at church.  When parents fail to embrace Christ themselves & model Christianity before their children, it deeply brings negative consequences.  Third, some teenagers confuse love for their parents (or grandparents) with love for Christ.  Instead of having their own faith, they tend to ride the coattails of their parents or grandparents.  This leads to a shallow and temporary religious experience.

It is rare to see a young person be born again and then live a godly, fruitful Christian life deep into adulthood.  Metaphorically, John looked upon converts as being like spiritual children.  In verse 4 of his tiny second epistle, John wrote, "I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father." 

It is one thing to talk about truth, but it is even more valuable to walk in truth.  A life of consistent obedience to God is rare these days, even among adults.  While it is easy to point the finger at teenagers, we must ask ourselves the question:  Am I walking in truth?

As we try to answer that question, I want you to ponder a few thoughts.

In order for us to walk in truth, we must know the truth.  It is not enough to merely know about the truth, we must personally value and embrace the truth.  Keep in mind three things about the truth.

First of all, Jesus is the person of truth.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."  You must know Jesus Christ personally through the new birth.  Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  When you walk with Jesus, you're walking in truth.  When you walk with Him, you're walking in freedom.

Secondly, the Bible is the precept of truth.  Jesus said, "Sanctify them through the truth; thy word is truth."  We walk in truth when we believe and read the Word of God.  The Word should order our steps.

Finally, the Spirit of God is the power of truth.  In John 16:13, Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth.  A man who walks in the Spirit is walking in truth.

Knowing the truth and obeying the truth are not always synonymous, but they should be.  Our obedience is an outward sign of an inward change.  As we walk in obedience to God, it will give evidence to others that we are walking in truth. 

Our society is aggressively pulling at believers to depart from truth.  Most in our society reject truth.  They reject the principle of truth because acknowledging truth will force them to be accountable to a higher power for their actions.  Most individuals want to be free from accountability.  However, their rejection of truth does not eliminate personal responsibility. 

Although the unbelieving world wishes to pull us away from truth, we need to stand firm on the truth.  Our concept of truth is not based upon popularity polls, political fads or the latest news headline.  Our understanding of truth is based upon the unchanging message of an unchanging Savior, Jesus Christ.  Truth will stand when all else fails.

As a minister of the Gospel, I find it encouraging, noticing people walk in truth, regardless of their age.  As our post-modern society distances itself further and further from the truth, we need to remain steadfast in the faith.  

Believe the truth.  Obey the truth.  Defend the truth. Live the truth.  That's how you walk in truth.


"Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen." - 1 John 5:21

When I was a young Christian, I thought it was ridiculous that Israel would forsake God and worship hand-carved idols.  How foolish could they be!  I thought it was unthinkable that people could see God's miracle-working power & yet turn from Him to serve self-created gods.

Now as a more-mature believer, I see the same scenario unfolding around me.  Americans worship idols, they're just not the same kind of idols that Israel worshiped. 

Pastor Johnny Hunt once defined an idol as a God substitute.  Americans have many God-substitutes.  Consider just a few of the American idols that are worship consistently in our land.

First of all, there are some who worship money.  The almighty dollar has consumed many people.  The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil.  Jesus said that you couldn't serve God and money. There are many who have made wealth their idol.

Others have made an idol of themselves.  Instead of living for the glory of God, they live for their own glory.  Here's the irony:  some work hard to be seen and known & when they become famous they want avoid the spotlight.  If you try to focus the spotlight on yourself rather than God, you've made yourself an idol.

Americans love to have a good time, often in excess.  Some pursue fun to the extent that they harm themselves and others.  Some forms of fun seem innocent, such as hunting or fishing.  Yet it is possible for a hobby to turn into an idol.  Football is a major idol in America.  Have you noticed how they schedule ballgames to interfere with church time?  Furthermore, there are church members who are more faithful to attend a college football game than their own church.  People tend to more zealous in their vocal support of their team than Jesus.  Football, basketball, hockey, NASCAR, and baseball are popular American idols. 

Finally, too many have made an idol of their family.  It is not possible to love your family too much, but it is possible to make your spouse or children idols.  It is not uncommon for church members to stay home on Sunday so they can entertain family.  Others willfully disobey God because their love for family is greater than their love for Jesus.  When this occurs, you can be sure family has become an idol.

So what should we do about the idols in our lives?  John answered this question in the conclusion of his first epistle.  John wrote, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."  Keeping yourself free of idols should be our goal.  It requires a great deal of diligence.

Idols creep into our lives so easily, though.  How does a person get free from an existing idol?  First, recognize the idol.  It is important to properly identify the idol.  Secondly, repent of your idolatry.  Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior.  You must change your mind about your affection for the idol & its priority in your life.  Next, remove all forms of idolatry from your heart.  Finally, return to your first love, Jesus. 

The old hymn is right when it invites people,

"Kneel at the cross, give your idols up,
Look unto realms above."

Yes, there are many American idols.  Yet the Lord Himself should be the only One to occupy the throne of your heart.  It is one thing to call Him Lord of your life; it is another thing for Him to actually reign as Lord of your life.  

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen."

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...