"To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." - 1 Corinthians 9:22

Do you recall the first time you got a job?  Were you excited?  Did you tell anyone about it?  What about when you got engaged to be married?  Were you thrilled to share the news?  The fact is that we share good news with excitement, don't we? 

What about the Gospel?  Are we excited enough to share the Gospel message?  The word, "gospel," literally means, "good news."  If the Gospel is good news, why aren't more Christians sharing the news with enthusiasm?   By the way some Christians act, you'd think we are trying to peddle some product that no one wants.  We are not salesmen --- we are witnesses.  The Gospel is not a product; it is the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.  It is the message that the whole world needs to hear.

As I think about the rest of my life, one thing is clear:


I want to take as many people to heaven with me as I can.  It would be awful to live a long life as a Christian and fail to bring anyone to heaven with me. 

Let's be honest about it, there are many things that can distract us from being about our Father's business.  Our schedules are full already.  It can be difficult trying to maintain a balance between work & family.  When we add the worship-time at church, we find ourselves stretched to the limit.  Yet these things tend to divert our attention away from something profound and real.  The sobering fact is that many are lost and perishing.  In fact, the ones we love most may be among the number that is facing eternity in hell.  They need a Savior. 

Personally, I have found that I must be intentional about evangelism.  I need to keep evangelism on my mind, in my plans and in my prayers.  Here are just a few things I'm learning:

I often listen to sermons as I travel.  I intentionally listen to sermons by those who are actively involved in personal evangelism.  Their passion for souls inspires me.  Their stories and experiences motivate me.  Do you want evangelistic zeal?  Hang around with those who possess that zeal.

I keep Gospel tracts with me wherever I go.  I keep some in my shirt pocket, some in my wallet, and others in my vehicle.  Be prepared for opportunities. 

Keep a prayer list of people you know who need Jesus.  Pray for them consistently.  By the way, pray that God will give you an opportunity to share the Gospel with them yourself!

Every event in life can be an evangelistic opportunity.  I have given Gospel tracts at fast food drive-ins, the grocery store, gas stations and various businesses.  When I pay bills, I include tracts with my payment.  I think social media is great place to be evangelistic.  Speaking to someone one-on-one is a vital form of evangelism.  There are many ways to make the Gospel known ... utilize them!

There is nothing wrong with setting goals.  I have found that I am more evangelistic when I plan to be evangelistic.  Being intentional is a key part of evangelistic living.  I used to wait for opportunities to unfold before I would act or speak.  Once in a while they did, but I have found that when I am intentional about evangelism, the Lord uses me much more.

Others may not like my style or manner, but at least I want to be faithful in trying to reach souls.  Once a lady complained to D. L. Moody, stating that she didn't like the way he did evangelism.  When he asked how she did evangelism, she replied that she didn't.  Moody gave her the classic response, "I like my way of doing evangelism better than your way of not doing it!"

I want to be an intentional witness.  What about you?


"The just man walketh in his integrity." - Proverbs 20:7

It is rare to find men of integrity these days.  Often the news headlines are filled with stories of political corruption, criminal prosecution and domestic violence.  Even news from the world of entertainment is typically abuzz with stories of marital infidelity and stormy relationships.

In the business community, it isn't uncommon for businessmen to take ethical & even moral compromises.   In fact, there have been many businessmen who've lied, cheated & hurt others just to climb the corporate ladder.

Even worse have been the scandals involving high profile ministers.  Anymore, it isn't uncommon to hear of a minister who is forced to resign because of adultery, alcoholism or financial misappropriation. 

Somehow, we have emphasized outward success to the neglect and destruction of character & integrity.  Author John Maxwell recently mentioned that he wanted to be bigger on the inside than he was on the outside.  In other words, he wanted to be a better man in reality than in image.  Dwight L. Moody once said, "If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself."

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the things I want to see happen with the rest of my life.  Here's a second thing on my list of seven goals:


I want more than just a reputation for being a man of integrity; I actually want to be a man of integrity every day.  The word integrity is defined as soundness of moral character.  A man of integrity is the same person at all times.  A man of integrity is the same man at home as he is at work.  A man of integrity lives just as holy among his family as he does at church. 

Integrity goes even deeper than that.  God knows me better than anyone else.  It is important that He knows me to be a man of integrity.  If I am a man of integrity, it will be known through my deeds, words and decisions.  Integrity is not something a person advertises ... it is something he is. 

Integrity is not perfection.  Obviously, none of us will ever reach perfection in this life.  A man of integrity admits his mistakes and takes responsibility for his faults.  Instead of blaming others, a man of integrity confesses his sins and makes restitution.  A man of integrity seeks forgiveness when he is at fault and offers forgiveness freely to those who wrong him.  A man of integrity seeks to do right whether it is profitable or not.  A man of integrity is more concerned with pleasing God than impressing people.

God commended Job as being a man of integrity.  The Bible refers to Job as an upright man.  While most people only think of Job as a man who suffered, they fail to appreciate that he maintained his integrity despite unkind friends, an unsupportive wife and uncertain circumstances.

The book of Proverbs states, "The just man walketh in his integrity."  A man of integrity lives right, speaks right and does what's right, regardless of the cost. 

So many complain about hypocrisy in the church.  Sadly, there are hypocrites in churches.  However, my job is to make sure I am not one of them! 

The One who knows me best knows about the things about me that no one else knows.  He knows the times I've prayed alone.  He sees when I give anonymously.  He is aware when I help someone in need.  One day the secret things will be made public.  Ultimately, personal integrity, or the lack thereof, will be obvious.

Instead of complaining about the lack of integrity others have, I need to focus on my own heart.  I want to be a man of integrity at all times whether others are or not.

"The just man walketh in his integrity."  I want that just man to be me! 

"Enoch walked with God." - Genesis 5:22, 24

Enoch is one of my heroes in the Bible.  He is actually an unsung hero because many Christians don't even know who he was.  Enoch was the seventh man from Adam.  The Bible does not dedicate many pages to describe him, but what is revealed about him is amazing.

As our text indicates, the Bible plainly states that Enoch walked with God.  The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that Enoch had a testimony that he pleased God.  What a testimony to have!  Furthermore, the book of Jude refers to Enoch as a prophet.  Both Genesis and Hebrews inform us that Enoch never died.  Instead, God simply took him home.

Let's go back to tribute given to Enoch in the book of Genesis.  "Enoch walked with God."  Last week, I wrote about the subject, "The Rest Of My Life."  In that message, I revealed that as I pondered about the remaining time I have left here on earth, I had seven things I wanted to see occur.  Let me reveal the first thing on my list:


Many are born again Christians, but few are actively walking with God.  When the Bible says that Enoch walked with God, I believe it means that Enoch had ongoing, intimate fellowship with God.  That should be our spiritual goal!

Let's be honest.  It is difficult to have ongoing, intimate fellowship with God these days.  There are so many distractions and interruptions.  Yet I believe it is possible for a person to walk with God.  Few enjoy this level of intimacy with God.  Why is that?  I believe the answer is plain:  many don't want that level of fellowship.  Sure, they'd like to have the benefits of walking with God, but they don't want to invest in the process of walking with God.  Walking with God comes with a cost --- and few wish to pay that cost.

In this age of advanced technology and hectic schedules, it is possible for a person to walk with God.  Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha in the New Testament?  When Jesus visited their home, the two sisters responded differently.  Martha was busy, trying to be a good hostess.  On the other hand, Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened to His Word.  I must confess that I act more like Martha than I do Mary.  I like to be busy.  I am geared for activity.  Yet, if I am to walk with God, there is a need to get alone with Him and spend quality time with Him.  That is the key to walking with God.

Have you ever had leftovers at dinner?  Often we think that leftovers are not impressive, simply reheating a previous meal.  We wouldn't think of heating up leftovers when we know in advance that an important visitor would dine with us.  However, we often have no problem giving God the leftovers of our lives.  We offer Him leftover time, leftover effort, leftover money, and leftover affection.  That is a shame.  The One who loves us supremely merely gets our leftovers.

When it comes to our time, God deserves quality & quantity.  Let me explain.  You can offer your kids a large quantity of your time, but if your mind is elsewhere, it isn't quality time.  God deserves a large portion of our time, with our undivided attention.  No leftovers should be offered to Him.

Like Mary, we need to humbly spend time at His feet.  Learn from His Word.  Obey the Spirit.  Enjoy fellowship with Him.  Bask in His love.  Delight in Him.  Adore Him. 

Like Enoch, I want to walk with God.  What about you?


"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." - John 9:4

A few years ago, I took time off from work to recover from minor surgery.  The recovery time gave me an opportunity to think & pray.  One thought came to me during my contemplation.  If averages hold out, I've lived over half of my life already.  That is a sobering thought.  Some would consider such a thought to be morbid, but it actually helped me to readjust my priorities for the remaining time I have left.

Realizing that over half of my life is gone, how do I want to live the rest of my life?  Many people have a "bucket list," which consists of items they wish to accomplish before they "kick the bucket."  That is not what I did.  Instead, I came up with seven goals that I wish to see fulfilled in my remaining days.  These goals are more character oriented rather than task oriented.  Over the next seven weeks, I want to share each of these goals and perhaps challenge you in the process.  I believe that all of us need to be intentional about the rest of our lives.

Jesus knew that He had limited time before He would die.  In John 9:4, Jesus gave us insight about the rest of His life.  In that verse, Jesus said, "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."  Notice three things about Jesus' approach to the rest of His life.

First of all, Jesus lived with passion.  Jesus said, "I must work the works..."  Notice the word, "must."  Jesus was passionate about the work He was to accomplish.  Jesus was neither lazy nor apathetic.  He knew the work He was to accomplish and refused to be distracted by other things.

I believe that God uses passionate people.  You show me a person that is sold out to the Lord & I'll show you someone that God will use mightily.  We put too much emphasis on education and not enough emphasis on surrender.  While education is a good thing, it can be a crutch that keeps a person from trusting & obeying God.  I believe our attitude should be similar to missionary David Brainerd, who wrote, "Lord, let me make a difference for You that is utterly disproportionate to who I am."  

Jesus lived with passion & so should we.  We have a limited time to live here on earth, so let's live it with enthusiasm!  Pastor Malachi O'Brien penned the following prayer:  "God give us a passion that is rare for the things closest to your heart and eternity."  That is a prayer that all of us should be praying! 

Sadly, most people live as if their life-purpose is simply to go to work daily, watch TV in the evening & go to bed at night.  Instead of investing their lives, they are wasting their lives. 

Jesus didn't waste His life.  Instead, He came on a Divine mission.  Jesus said, "I must work the works of him that sent me."  In Mark 10:45, Jesus said, "For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."  Jesus came on a mission and refused to be distracted from that mission.  His ultimate purpose was to go to the cross and die for our sins.  He gave His life so that we could live.  From a worldly point of view, the death of Jesus death was the culmination of what seemed to be a waste life.  However, when we understand His true mission, we know that Jesus fulfilled His purpose.  His death made it possible for millions of souls to be saved from hell.  Jesus is no longer dead.  He arose the third day & through His death and resurrection, eternal life is extended to those who believe.  Jesus did not waste His life & He doesn't want you to waste yours either.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to waste the rest of my life on trivial, temporal matters.  I want to invest my life in the things that bring eternal dividends.  Like Jesus, I want to live with purpose.  What about you?

Jesus was focused on doing the Father's will, "... while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."  Jesus lived with the perspective that His time was limited to get His mission accomplished.  The same is true for you and me.  The difference is, of course, that Jesus knew precisely how much time He had left before He would die while you & I don't have that knowledge about our own death. 

Ray Comfort wisely said, "Live everyday like it is your last day.  One day, you will be right." 

Some may argue that thinking of death is gruesome.  However, for the child of God, the inevitability of death is actually a glorious reality that we welcome.  The thought of death should cause us to focus on our purpose and live the right priorities in the time we have left.  Jesus had that kind of perspective.  He focused on His purpose and stayed faithful to His Father.  Shouldn't we do the same?

I don't know how much time I have left to live, but I do know that I want to live the rest of my life for the glory of God.  Let me challenge you to be like Jesus and live with passion, purpose and perspective.  At the Judgment Seat of Christ, you'll be glad you did!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...