This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” - 2 Timothy 3:1

For some time, news headlines have provided us with a great deal of disheartening news. Most recently, professing Christians have been outraged over New York's expansion of abortion laws. These news headlines remind us that we are in a sinful world, run by sinners.

These are dark days in our nation and our world. We shouldn't be surprised by this. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote, “... in the last days perilous times shall come.” The fact is that we are very near to the coming of our Lord. America is facing the judgment of God for her sins.

I have some well-meaning friends on social media who are apathetic about many of the sinful ways of our country. Some are even supportive of legislative and judicial decisions that support activities and lifestyles that God has condemned. To these friends, I wish to ask a question: do you want God to bless America? It is wrong for us to support wickedness and still expect God to bless. Let me put it bluntly. If God does not bless America, this nation is doomed. Our constitution, heritage and collective efforts are not enough to sustain this country should she ever face the wrath of God.

The ultimate standard for our society is not our Constitution, but the Word of God. While I love America, I love God more. While I honor the flag, I worship the Lord. While I believe in obeying proper laws, the ultimate standard will be God's law. While politicians, entertainers and even preachers wish to alter the Bible, we know that God never changes and His Word doesn't either. His Word will stand long after America ceases to be.

Here are a few things to ponder:

God has promised that perilous times will come. I have every reason to believe that the darkness of sin will intensify in our world as the end nears. That does not mean that we should be apathetic. Instead, we should be vigilant, caring and praying!

This is the best time to be a Christian witness. Light makes its greatest impact when darkness enshrouds society. As Christians, we are called to let our light shine. Be a beacon of light for your family, neighborhood, workplace and the world.

Our lost friends are being lied to by the father of lies. The power of darkness is very strong. As Christians, it is our job to proclaim the truth. The truth of the Gospel is needed in this dark world. While many are proudly and eagerly embracing falsehood and deceit, we have the very message that will set them free. We need to believe the truth, stand for the truth and share the truth.

Finally, look up. Our redemption draweth nigh. Jesus is coming SOON. These dark times remind us that this world is not our home. We are just on assignment as ambassadors for Christ. When He feels that this world is too hostile for us to stay in any longer, God will call all His ambassadors home. I believe we are nearing that day. Look up! Jesus may come at any moment and we'll leave this world of darkness.

Be encouraged, there will never be any dark days in heaven!


Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD.” - Jeremiah 23:29

I have a confession to make. I don't like winter weather. I don't like the frigid cold. I don't like driving on slick roads. Although a fresh coating of snow is beautiful to look at, it isn't fun to travel through.

As I write this, we are bracing for an arctic blast of cold air. Such weather makes me mindful of those who are homeless and living on the streets. Some elderly folks can't afford to pay extra heating costs. Some winter storms cause power outages, which may keep some residents from heating their homes.

Spiritually speaking, we are in cold days right now. The lukewarmness of 20th century Christianity has eroded to a point of spiritual coldness here in the 21st century. We are living in an age of spiritual compromise, heretical teaching and superficial living. While a lost world is dying in the cold, the church has little heat available as a refuge for freezing souls.

It doesn't have to be that way. We can stay warm, even hot, while living in this cold world. We used to hear of saints who were, “on fire for God.” These days, church members are more like Peter, who warmed himself by a fire as the Lord was being tried. Far from the fire, we've gotten used to the cold.

How can we stay warm during these cold days? Let me suggest a few things.

First of all, stay near the fire. If you have a fireplace in your home, you know that the closer you stay the fire, the warmer you remain. The same thing is true of us as Christians. Stay near the fire. The Lord said, “Is not my word like as a fire?” You can't stay hot if you stay away from the fire. Open your Bible and read it.

Secondly, keep the fire going. God's Word is like a fire. It is good to read the Bible daily. It is even better to believe what you read and obey it. Obedience to God's Word keeps the fire stoked in your soul.

Finally, spread the fire. Consistently share what God is doing in your life. Give the Lord all the praise. Don't be content just to have the fire in your own soul, ask God to use you to spread the fire to others. God may use you as a catalyst to start a mighty fire that engulfs your family, your workplace, your community and the world.

Get your Bible, open it up, read it, believe it and obey it.

That's how you stay warm during cold days.

O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.” - Psalm 71:17-18

The longer I live, the older I get. That's not a profound statement. Yet all of us are getting older. There are some people who become wiser as they get older. Others remain immature regards of their age.

I must confess that I have changed through the years. For those who look at me in a superficial way, they would only say that I've gained weight as I have gotten older. Certainly that is true. The weight listed on my driver's license was from my 16th birthday, when I first got a license. It has never been updated. When it comes to gaining weight, I tell people that I am broadening my horizons.

As I have gotten older, I have more physical problems. The ankle I shattered in 2003 (and the subsequent metal implant) causes me grief. Furthermore, I struggle with psoriasis and allergies, as well as occasional kidney stones. It is not always easy getting older.

I believe that there are positive changes in my life as time passes. My view of certain things has changed. My outlook on life is different. Like most people, I have regrets from my past. I have taken these regrets to the Lord, where I have found forgiveness and grace.

I believe my values have changed. As I get older, I find that there are three areas that are of increasing importance in my life.

First of all, my priorities have changed. In my past, there were things that I thought were so important ... but now they have lost their luster. I can't believe I wasted time and effort on such unimportant things. There were issues I used to do battle over that now seem so insignificant.

But there are things that are more important than ever. As I get older, I value the things that will last beyond my earthly life. I value eternal matters so much more. As I consider the fact that I am getting closer to the finish line, I need to value the things that will matter most when I leave this world. I need to stress the importance of the things that will matter most when I stand before God.

Secondly, I value people more than ever. I need to improve in this area much more. The Lord has placed certain people around me. Some I will learn from. Others I will minister to. A few I may mentor. Relationships are important. We tend to think that possessions or power make a man rich. Actually, the man with strong, healthy relationships is a rich man. These days, relationships are rather shallow and superficial. Happy is the man that has two or three good friends who will remain close to him the rest of his life.

Life is much like a garden. We sow and then we reap. It is important for me to sow liberally in the lives of those around me. I've done a poor job at this in my past. As I get older, I need to deliberately invest in those close to me.

I want to live the rest of my life making eternal investments that will yield eternal dividends. I believe I make eternal investments when I make positive contributions to the eternal souls of those close to me. Like the psalmist I pray, "O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.”

Finally, as I get older, I realize the importance of prayer. Like never before, I need the Lord. My dependence on Him grows stronger every day. As I get older, I need to pray more, not less. Time spent in prayer is never wasted time. As I get older, I need to get closer to God. I need His Word more. I need His fellowship more. I need to worship more. I need to spend more time with His people. I need His guidance, wisdom and strength. I need His blessings and grace. I can't make it without Him. I don't like the thought of facing a day without Him.

As I get older, I want God to be pleased and glorified. All that truly matters is what God will say when I stand before Him. As I get older, I want the imminent judgment to come motivate me to live intentionally for the things that matter most.


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” - Philippians 4:8

We have just entered a brand new year. Many people have made (and many have broken) New Year's Resolutions. I am not a huge fan of resolutions, but I am a proponent of setting and keeping goals. Every year, I set goals for the upcoming twelve months. I review these goals on a weekly basis. I work diligently throughout the year to achieve these goals. Overall, I have been successful in achieving many of these goals.

I don't share all of this to boast. In fact, my goals wouldn't impress most people. I don't usually share my goals publicly, but I will share this. Every year, I set a goal to read a specific number of books. I think it is important to feed my mind.

I saw a statistic that revealed that 28% of Americans did not read a single book during the past year. If you do not actively regulate what goes into your mind, society will do it for you. The views of Americans are typically set by the news media and entertainment industry. That is tragic! Television has deliberately changed our culture's view of morality. Between billboards, television and the internet, the mind of the average American is exposed to a lot of sinful images and concepts. When we fail to feed our minds with good material, we find our minds being fed with worldliness and corruption.

In 2019, we need to feed our minds with healthy food. Don't allow your mind to be influenced by the rotten food of this world. Let me recommend some books for you to read in 2019:

First of all, read your Bible every day. Whether you read through the entire Bible or not is up to you. I do strongly encourage you to at least read the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs this year. Furthermore, memorize verses you find that are pertinent to your emotional and spiritual situation. Meditate on these verses and feast on the meat of God's Word.

There are wonderful daily devotionals available for you to read from. “Morning and Evening,” by Charles Spurgeon, “My Utmost For His Highest,” by Oswald Chambers are among the many devotionals available. You can save yourself some money by going online and subscribing (without cost) to the daily devotionals that are available. Ministers like Charles Stanley and John Piper provide a devotional that will be sent automatically to your email inbox daily, if you subscribe.

The Christian market is overflowing with books. Sadly, many of them are superficial and some of them border on heresy. Personally, I like reading from men who are faithful to the Word. Some of the writers I like have been promoted to glory some time ago. I still like to read from A. W. Tozer, Charles Spurgeon, Vance Havner, D. L. Moody, R. A. Torrey, E. M. Bounds, Andrew Murray and others.

If you have a long commute to work, like I do, Christian audio-books are wonderful to listen to. Each month, the website, Christianaudio.com has a free audio-book available for download (MP3 format). After downloading the MP3 files to your computer, you can then either burn the MP3 files to compact discs, a MP3 CD or store them on a MP3 player. Additionally, Christianaudio.com sells Christian audio-books. If you go on a long trip, an audio-book can keep you occupied while you drive and also bless your heart.

I often listen to sermons as I drive. I am very picky about the preachers I listen to. There are many popular preachers that I won't listen to because their teachings are often erroneous. However, a good sermon can be food for your mind and soul.

A mature believer can be a source of great information, wisdom and knowledge. Talking with such a Christian can feed your mind, fill your soul and inspire your life. Hang around with mature believers that inspire you to walk closer to God.

I love Gospel music. Sometimes an old hymn or Gospel song comes to mind at an appropriate time and ministers to me. Personally, I prefer songs that have a strong message. Some people gravitate towards songs with a certain beat or tempo, but I still believe that Gospel music should be Biblical in its message.

Whether you can apply all of these suggestions or not, I do challenge you to at least read your Bible daily.  If you feed your mind properly in 2019, you'll find that God will change your life!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...