"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." - Romans 10:1

This past Sunday, we buried my father. It has been a difficult experience for our family, but we have drawn strength from the fact that Dad is in the paradise of God.

When he was 18 years old, Dad met the Lord on Belcher Mountain, in McDowell County, WV. This profoundly changed his life. Later in life, Dad was ordained into the Gospel ministry, preaching throughout southern West Virginia and eventually serving as pastor for 30 years at our home church, the Guyandotte Baptist Church, near Herndon Heights, WV. The fruit of his Christian life was obvious to us and those who knew him.

This week I have pondered on the subject, what about other families? While we have confidence that Dad is with the Lord, many families have members who are not ready for death. When death comes, these families will have no hope for their lost loved ones.

The time to address this issue is NOW.

The first question you need to ask, "Am I ready for to meet the Lord?" One day it will be your turn to leave this world. It may happen at any time. Do you KNOW you are saved? Have you been born again? Before addressing the issue of your family members, you need to make sure you are heaven-bound yourself. Before telling your family members about the Lord, you need to know Him personally yourself.

I live in a very religious region of the United States. Yet I am very concerned that many people in this area shrug off the subject of salvation because they have a religious background. Far too many people are depending upon their church membership, religious activity or a profession of faith to get them into heaven. Apart from a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, you have no reason to be confident of your standing with God. You must repent and believe the Gospel. You must be receive Christ Jesus personally. You must be born again.

If you can't honestly say that this has happened to you, let me challenge you to repent and call upon the Lord right now, trusting in Him alone to save you. Receive, by faith, God's gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

If you know you have spiritually passed from death unto life, let me ask you: are you confident that your family members are ready to meet God? There is nothing worse that having a family member pass away, leaving you and others heartbroken about their spiritual state.

You may think that such a subject is not important unless they have a terminal disease. Here's some sobering news. They HAVE a terminal disease, it's called humanity. All of us are dying. Death is certain and imminent for all of us.

First of all, you don't have very long to share Jesus with them. Your life is fleeting. Don't face death regretting that you never spoke about the Lord with your family members. Your time is running out. Pray fervently for their souls. The time to share the Gospel is NOW.

Secondly, your family members don't have much longer either. At any moment, you may receive the horrifying news that a lost family member has died. Don't delay in making the Gospel know to them. Their eternal future hangs in the balance.

Death is difficult enough the way it is. It is comforting to know that when a family member dies, that he is with the Lord. We have just a brief time to live here on earth. Let's make the most of the time we have left --- for the glory of God.

Salvation is too important to treat lightly.


"But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope."
- 1 Thessalonians 4:13

Death is never a welcome guest at any home. This week, my immediate family has faced the heartbreaking encounter of death. Although we knew, for some time, this event was coming, it did not soften the blow it gave us.

There is no easy way for a family to deal with death. If death comes unexpectedly, an element of shock is part of the ordeal. If death comes slowly, the family has to deal with the declining health of the family member, hospital visits and long term emotional pain.

My father has not had good health in many years. In 1991, a cyst was found on his brain stem. Doctors removed a portion of the cyst at that time, but much still remained. Obviously, headaches were a regular part of his life. The cyst had other side-effects which made his life painful and difficult.

To make things worse, Dad developed atrial fibrillation. This, coupled with congestive heart failure and occasional pneumonia, made his medical situation very serious. He spent more than one extended period in the hospital. Prior to this week, there were three separate occasions when his medical prognosis looked grim. In fact, when he was in the hospital this past August, the ICU doctor told our family to prepare for his death. Each time Dad faced a grim prognosis, God came through with a miracle.

This week, however, God chose a different path. It is not the path we wanted, but one that was needed. Dad's condition deteriorated to the point he could not feed himself or get himself out of a chair. When he was moved to the hospice house late Thursday night, we were told that his body was shutting down. Friday morning, at 1:05, Dad moved out of his old house.

I write all of this to give glory to God. God has been good to our family. From the depth of our incredible pain, we give God praise. It is easy to sing when all is well, but when your heart is broken, it is much more challenging.

We praise God for allowing us to have Dad all this time. Dad was 85 when he died. When he was released from the hospital in August after a close call with death, I realized that God had given us a brief dispensation of time to be with him. We are eternally grateful for that.

On Wednesday night at home, I told him Dad that I loved him. Although he was struggling, he said three times, "I love you." On Thursday night, before leaving hospice house, Dad awoke a little and I told him, "I love you and I'm praying for you." Those were my final words to him. I'm thankful God gave me the chance to say, "I love you," as my final words to him. This was a gift of grace.

Additionally, our family is thankful that Dad went peacefully. He was checked into hospice house after 6 pm Thursday. Mom decided to come home so she could notify family members. We did not expect him to pass during the night, but he did. We were called around 1:15 am with the news that he was gone. We made the trip back to hospice house to see him one more time. Instead of a man in pain, having problems breathing, his body was still and calm. As we were leaving, one of the hospice nurses told us that there were three of them in the room when he passed. One of the nurses prayed for him. When she finished praying, he was gone.

We cherish the times we had with Dad. He loved us. We loved him. It hurts to know that I'll never see him again here on earth. I am comforted in the fact that Dad is free of pain and home with the Lord. I'll never hear Dad say again, "I love you, son." I find solace in the fact that I have a heavenly Father who loves me even more than my earthly father did. He will never leave me. I praise God for this.

Our family does not mourn like those who have no hope. For myself, I have an emotional meltdown often, bursting into tears over Dad's passing. It comes without warning. I'm sure this will continue. Yet I know God is on the throne and in control. Dad --- and the rest of our family --- are in His hands.

As I mentioned before, early on Friday morning, after receiving news that Dad had died, we revisited hospice house. Mom & I were there in his room with Dad's lifeless body. We were about to leave when I offered to pray. I was choked with emotion as I prayed, "Lord, I love my Dad. I wanted to take him back home with me. You love him more and decided to take him home with You instead."

I love my Dad. I will see him again very soon.


"But now is Christ risen from the dead." - 1 Corinthians 15:20

Easter Sunday is the most important holiday of the year, but it is not considered important by most people. Instead of referring to the day as Easter, we should give it the proper title: Resurrection Sunday.

For Christians, we view Resurrection Day as being of utmost importance. Our faith and future hinges upon the historical fact that Jesus died for our sins upon a cross and rose again the third day.

Here's the problem. While Christians proclaim that they believe that Christ has risen from the dead, most don't seem to live like this is true. The implications of the resurrection are massive. Rather than treating Resurrection Day as just a story told in Sunday School, we need to embrace this day as it really is: a factual event that powerfully impacts our lives.

Why is the resurrection so relevant for today? Why should an event from nearly two thousand years ago be so important for us now? The crucifixion and resurrection impacts our past, present and future.

Far too many people are basing their hope of heaven upon the fact God is merciful and will give them a pass to get in. Their view of God has probably been shaped by the diluted messages they see from TV ministers. Here's the fact: mercy and grace are ours only because of the cross and the empty tomb. On the cross, our sins were paid. On the cross, Jesus took our place and paid our penalty with His own blood. Through His sacrifice, the justice of God was satisfied and the sin-debt has been paid.

Yet how can we be assured of this? How do we know that His sacrifice was sufficient? The empty tomb is the evidence! The empty verified that Jesus was who He claimed to be. His resurrection was, in essence, God's receipt, showing their our debt is paid in full. All who repent and believe in Jesus receive this payment to their account by grace through faith.

Our past is now forgiven because of what Jesus did for us upon the cross.

Secondly, the present is strengthened. Realizing that Jesus has risen should impact our present lives. If Jesus has risen from the dead (and He has), then it makes sense that we will never face a problem or obstacle He can't overcome in our lives.

Since Jesus has triumphed over death, hell and grave, we should live and walk in victory. The Bible says, "We are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

We were once dead in trespasses and sin. Then Jesus came and gave us life. We have passed from death unto life. This transformation came through the resurrected Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Now we should live and walk in the light of His resurrection.

Finally, our future is spectacular because of Jesus' resurrection. You see, His resurrection guarantees our own. Our lives are temporary here on earth. Each one of us must die some day. Yet that is not the end. The same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead, will quicken our mortal bodies.

Our future is bright because of the empty tomb. The best is yet to come! Yet if you looked at most believers, they act as if death is the worst thing that could ever happen. Yet if we truly believe in the resurrection, we can say, like Paul, "... to die is gain."

Jesus has risen. Believe it! Live in the light of this glorious truth!!!


"Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin."
- Psalm 51:2

Due to the virus pandemic, many people are confined to home. Too many are wasting time watching television. I believe there are many positive, productive things we could be doing instead. One of the productive activities we can do is perform spring cleaning.

It is good to do some spring cleaning in your house or apartment. It is even better to have spring cleaning performed in your heart and soul. There is nothing more refreshing than being made spiritually clean!

David prayed, "Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin." He needed to be cleansed. What about you? Perhaps you may feel that you don't need spiritual cleansing. Yet like your home, there is a need for regular cleansing.

When it comes to spiritual cleansing, we must trust God for spring cleaning. We must petition Him for a refreshing time of soul cleansing.

In order to experience spring cleaning of your heart, here are a few things that are needed.

First of all, you need to be humble. Pride is a horrible sin that hinders us from experiencing the life-changing, soul-cleansing power of God. The Bible says, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up." Have you noticed that spring cleaning often forces you to get on your knees? The same is true spiritually. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Our pride is part of the grit and grime that needs to be removed as part of the cleansing process. If you wish to experience the cleansing of your heart, you must be humble.

Secondly, you must be honest. In Psalm 51, David got honest with God about his sin. What about you? When was the last time that you unloaded your burdens to the Lord? When was the last time you honestly and specifically confessed your sins to God? Far too often, we want to experience cleansing without specifically confessing and forsaking our sins. Be honest with God and yourself!

Next, be thorough. Don't hurry the process. Leave no stone unturned. Make sure every closet and cabinet of your life is open and available for the Lord's work. We are often guilty of seeking a band-aid applied rather than receiving a complete healing of a wound. Don't leave the Lord's presence until every part of your life has been exposed to His Word and experience full and complete cleansing.

Next, be obedient to the Lord and His Word. While it is good to ask the Lord for help, it is even better to obey Him during the cleansing process. This may require you to apologize to someone or extend forgiveness to another. It may require genuine repentance for a long-term pattern of sin or rebellion. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Surrender your entire life to Him so you may experience His cleansing power today.

Finally, depend upon the Lord to cleanse and change your life. Your own efforts to change your life is limited and often counterproductive. Yield your life completely to the Lord right now. Trust Him to transform your life.

It is a good time for some spring cleaning. Like the old hymn says,

"Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin,
And be washed in the blood of the Lamb;
There’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean,
Oh, be washed in the blood of the Lamb!"

Experience the cleansing power of God today!

Holy Habits

HOLY HABITS “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7 We are creatures ...