Making A Difference

And of some have compassion, making a difference.” - Jude 22

Our world is in such dire need at this hour. People are hurting. So many are struggling. Doubts, fears, confusion and chaos have unsettled our nation. Rather than working together to find solutions, we are pointing fingers and issuing accusations.

The American Church doesn't seem to be making a positive difference these days. A great deal of this problem lies at our door. The American Church is not what she ought to be. Churches are plagued with sin, scandals and in-fighting. To the outside world, the American Church seems to merely exist for non-essential gatherings. We have ceased to be the spiritual influence we once were.

How can the American Church make a positive difference once again? More to the point, how can you and I make such a difference? Let me recommend a few things.

First of all, there needs to be repentance. Selfishness has permeated the lives of many American Christians. It is easy to get sucked into this world's mold of materialism, self-admiration and self-promotion. Idols reside where God should reign. There are temptations and distractions to keep a Christian from where he or she should be.

We look at others with a self-righteous attitude while failing to grasp the serious sins that we tolerate and hide in our own lives. Repentance is the first step to be used by God. Until He makes a positive difference in us, we can never be used to make the positive difference we have been called to make.


Secondly, we need remember that is God, not us, that really makes the difference. When we become important or great in our own estimation, we are not fit for the Master's use. God is the difference maker, not us. When we recognize His power and our inadequacies, we are ready to humbly submit to His will.


Next, we need to reverence God and His Name. If any positive difference occurs in us or through us, may we never take the credit. It is easy to become proud and arrogant. Some in ministry are so arrogant that they could strut sitting down! God doesn't need us, but we desperately need Him. If He chooses to use us in any way, may we have the common sense to honor Him and give Him glory.


Finally, we need to respond to needs around us. The temptation is to desire some huge project for God. However, often the most opportunities come in small ways. Don't despise these small opportunities. Don't seek after situations that bring the spotlight on yourself. Ministry in obscurity is neglected by many. Yet it could be that God will use you more in obscurity than anywhere else. Don't seek the applause of men but the approval of God. Be faithful in the small things. Whether God ever brings huge opportunities your way or not, keep operating in obedience to things you know to do. Perhaps your faithfulness in the small things will lead to larger opportunities. Whether they do or not, simply focus on today's work, though it be small or large. God uses those who simply serve out of love for Him and don't care about getting credit or praise.

Everything begins with God making a difference in you. In gratitude for His love and grace, offer yourself to His service, whether it be great or small, in obscurity or in the limelight, in sickness or health. A. W. Tozer once said, “It is doubtful that God will ever use a man greatly until he hurts the man deeply.” Tozer points out the truth that pain is often the path to usefulness. If you want to be used of God to make a difference, it may lead you to deep, dark valleys. Regardless, keep loving God and stay faithful to Him.

Do you want God to use you to make a difference?

Making Much of Jesus

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” - Acts 1:8

As humans, we tend to talk most about the things we are passionate about. When a man is passionate about a football team, it is obvious. He has a decal on his vehicle. He talks about his team constantly. He drives a long distance to attend each home game. Getting season tickets are a big deal.

Similarly, a young woman that has found the man of her dreams is not shy to talk about him. She thinks of him continually. She wants others to know about the love of her life. She has his picture prominently displayed at her desk. When she gets engaged, she can't wait to show off her ring.

We are familiar with such displays of affection. Whether it is a man obsessed with his career or a woman who is vocal about her loving family, we are very much aware of their passion.

But what about people who claim to love Jesus? How many people do you know who have such overt, public, shameless affection for Jesus? How many people around you are passionate about the Lord?

Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, He provided this word to His disciples: “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Please note three things about the disciples and their witness for Christ.

First of all, we see the power of the witness. The arrival of the Holy Spirit would make a difference. The Spirit would empower the disciples to be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ.

While churches offer classes, seminars and programs to develop witnesses, God still empowers His followers through the work of the Spirit. We need more Spirit-filled Christians. When the Spirit fills a man, he becomes a powerful witness for Christ.


Secondly, we learn about the proclamation of the witness. Spirit-filled believers will testify of Jesus. Our job is not to promote our church, denomination or ministry. We are to proclaim Jesus. We are to make much of Him. Far too many Christians shy away from the Name of Jesus. That's because His Name is powerful. Yet the only life-changing message we have is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that when the Spirit would come, He would testify of Jesus. When you are filled with the Spirit, you'll find yourself testifying of Christ.


Finally, the believers were told to start evangelizing where they were … and then take the message to nearby towns, expanding their outreach until the Gospel spread across the world.

Just like the early believers, we need to start where we are at right now. Start with your family. Talk with your neighbors. Witness at work. Share it wherever you go.

Make no mistake about it. The early church made much of Jesus. They weren't “Sunday Christians.” Instead, the first century believers were passionate about the Lord … and it showed! In spite of threats from those in authority, the disciples boldly made the Gospel known.

What about us? If we claim to love Jesus, shouldn't others know it? Don't you want others to know Him? Don't you long for God to be glorified through the salvation of your friends, neighbors and co-workers? If so, start today.

Let's make much of Jesus!

Returning To Our Roots

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” - Acts 2:46-47

When my father was living, he spent a great deal of time looking into his genealogy. He traced back his ancestry several generations. I must confess that I don't share his passion in this, although I see the value of it.

Sometimes we need to get back to our roots. We need to return to a prior age and relive those days. Often when I watch the Andy Griffith Show, I long to return to such simple days. I don't know whether those days actually existed or not, but it would be nice to have such peaceable times.

I can't help but think that the Church needs to get back to her roots. Looking back to the early days of the Church, it is easy to see that things were much simpler and exciting then than it is today. Of course, the early Church faced intense persecution. This was a major theme that we can't overlook. Still, I believe that there are simple things we need to return to.

As we read about the beginning of the Church in Acts 2, we find believers enjoying fellowship in a strong, yet loving way. Note four things we see in verses 46 and 47.


First of all, believers were in agreement. They dwelt in harmony. They had a unity of purpose. Verse 46 says, “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple.” The enemy seeks to sever the fellowship of believers. The devil knows that a unified church is a difficult foe for him to fight. In John 17, Jesus prayed that His followers would be in unity. We see the fulfillment of this in Acts 2.

While some believers are actively involved in dividing churches, much more are hindering the church by their continual absence. Either way, churches lack the harmony that Jesus desires.


Secondly, believers had close communion with each other. This goes deeper than outward unity. This is a binding together of hearts. The Bible says that believers, “...breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.” They enjoyed their fellowship. Church was a meaningful place for them because of the fellowship. Today, too many people have dropped out of a church fellowship and have become “lone rangers.” Loving fellowship deepens the Christian walk for believers.


Next, the early Church continually praised God. The Bible says that Christians were, “Praising God, and having favour with all the people.” Sadly, most churches are more like concert halls rather than places of praise. It is not enough for a choir, quartet or soloist to do all the singing. We need to praise God together. Yet our public praise should be an extension of our private praise. When was the last time you sang while driving or washing your dishes? God inhabits the praise of His people.


Finally, there was significant growth in the early church. Verse 47 states, “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” Notice that the Lord added to the church and not the pastor or evangelist. God adds to the Church through the salvation of souls. How exciting to see people get saved and plugged into a good church!

As we looked over these four areas, we must confess that the American Church is much better at paving parking lots than it is at praise. Today's churches are better at programs than unity. Today, growth is often superficial and shallow. It seems that some have perfected the art of attending as little of a service as possible. They arrive late and leave early. They want don't experience deep fellowship. They want to be known for attending a church but not for activity in the church.

We need to return to our roots. Yes, we have nice buildings, polished preachers and padded pews. Some have plays and programs that rival Hollywood. I can't help but think that we are far from where we ought to be.

We need to return to our spiritual roots.

Seeking God In Prayer

  “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.” - Acts 1:14

It is much easier to complain about problems than it is to help solve them. We are quick to point out issues but very slow to implement changes that can turn things around. It doesn't take much effort to complain, but it often takes hard work to resolve problems.

When it comes to our selfish, sinful world, we can easily mention the problems we have. Just watch the national news on TV and you'll see interviews with people who complain about everything from politics to social injustice. The solutions they claim to have often seems worse than the original problem.

When Jesus ascended back to heaven, He left His disciples with the promise of the coming Holy Spirit. During this waiting period, the disciples met together for prayer.

What ever happened to prayer meetings? We need to remember that the Church really began at a prayer meeting, not a preaching service or a business conference. It is time for the Church to return to prayer.

I am convinced that most of the problems we face in America have spiritual roots. The answer for spiritual problems can only come as we seek spiritual solutions. Rather than looking around for answers or looking within for solutions, we need to look up to the only One who can solve our problems.

The American Church has lost its edge. We no longer receive the respect of the people. Very few Americans look to the church for help. Instead, they have more confidence in secular counselors and even politicians.

Charles Spurgeon once said that the reason the Church has so little influence in the world is because the world is having too much influence over the church. We are witnessing the result of this today.

To be rather blunt, churches are no longer places of prayer. Of course, we have prayer in our services, but it is merely part of the service format, just an entry on the church bulletin.

By and large, the American Church is not desperate for God. We've learned slick methods, implemented exciting events and programmed our services for entertainment. We have everything except spiritual power. The first century church did not have methods, programs or entertainment. They did not have Bible software, Christian music CDs or sermons on the internet. What they did have was the power of God. This came upon them as they were praying.

Unlike us, the early disciples had the good sense to realize that they desperately needed God. They were in uncharted waters. There was a great deal of uncertainty without Jesus present. They needed help --- and they knew it.

What about us? We are living in unprecedented times. We are facing uncharted waters ourselves. There is so much uncertainty ahead. If there has ever been a time that believers need to seek God, it is right now.

Every revival and spiritual awakening in Church history has begun with someone getting desperate enough to seek God in prayer. Vance Havner used to say, “At the lowest ebb is the coming of the tide.” The spiritual waves have gone out to sea. We need the tide to return right now.

Will you join me in seeking God today?

Taking Inventory

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” - Psalm 139:23-24

Most companies have a regular time set aside to take inventory of their stock. Sometimes this can be a massive job. Knowing the exact quantity of each item is vital to having a good accounting of company assets. Additionally, a visual validation of quantities verifies the numbers in the inventory software, making it more accurate to provide data to customers and the proper personnel.

While taking inventory is important for a business, it is more vital for us as individuals. On a regular basis, there needs to be a careful inventory taken in our lives. A careful inventory may reveal abnormal situations and uncover unhealthy matters. Often we pretend that all is well with our lives when destructive attitudes lurk in the hidden chamber of our hearts.

Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” This indictment against the human heart forces us to seek outside help in taking spiritual inventory. David knew this. That is why David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” David invited the Lord to take spiritual inventory of his life.

Certainly no one knows your heart like the Lord. He is not deceived by outward performances or a polished veneer. He knows you better than you know yourself.

Be aware of this fact. Asking God to take inventory of your life may bring about results that you aren't comfortable with. Most people aren't prepared for the honest diagnosis they receive under such scrutiny. The Lord will be accurate and thorough with His findings. Like it or not, He has already taken inventory of your life. He knows you like a book. The big question is this: are you ready to receive and act on His report?

For those who respond positively to the Lord's findings, they experience dramatic, but glorious change. Those who refuse to hear or heed the Lord's findings will remain in a spiritual rut, deceiving themselves, believing that change is for other folks, not them.

I don't think many of us are serious or thorough with our repentance. As a result, a lot of sins get stock-pilled into a closed closet so others can't see them. But God sees them. He is challenging us to open up these closets, seriously repent of these sins and have our lives cleansed by Him.

It is time to quit pretending. It is time to yield to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Put away all idols, pride and hypocrisy. Let us stay in God's presence until we are completely clean before Him.

Many Christians pray for revival. Usually they intend for revival to begin with someone else. It doesn't work that way. It tends to begin with a Christian or two who will repent and seek God in prayer. Why can't that be me? Why can't that be you?

Let me challenge you to get alone with God. Bring your Bible, a notebook and a pencil. Get on your knees and pray this dangerous prayer: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” 

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...