Resurrection Day

 “Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.” - John 14:19

Today I take time away from my blog series to wish you and your family a happy Resurrection Day! I prefer the title, “Resurrection Day,” over “Easter,” because it is a more fitting title. Today, Easter has been reduced to a non-critical holiday celebrated by hiding and finding painted eggs. Instead, I want to emphatically state that this is a time of remembrance and celebration.

First of all, we remember an event over 2,000 years ago when Jesus died on a cross. We soberly remember His sacrifice. Because of His substitutionary death, believing souls find everlasting life through His shed blood. The cross is a reminder of two things: the horrific nature of our sins and the incredible love of God. May we never forget either.

Secondly, it is a time of celebration. Our Lord rose again the third day! This event is the most critical event in all of human history. His resurrection proves that His sacrifice on the cross was sufficient payment for our sins. Furthermore, His resurrection demonstrates that a person can live again after death. Finally, it guarantees that every believer will ultimately be resurrected by the One who rose from the dead 2,000 years ago.  Our Christian family members and friends did not die in vain --- and we won't either.

We celebrate knowing that our faith is valid, vital and vibrant. We celebrate knowing that Jesus has conquered death, hell and the grave. We celebrate because His resurrection power is at work today, making souls alive who were once dead in trespasses and sins. We celebrate because we know that because He lives, we will live also. Because He lives, our faith is certain, our focus is clear and our future is bright.

Make sure you are in church on Sunday morning. Let us gather and worship this crucified Savior, risen Redeemer and soon-coming King!

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