"For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." - Psalm 107:9

We are living in a spiritually starved world.  Each day, we meet many hungry souls.  Each soul has a hunger that only God can satisfy.  Unfortunately, most of our society tries to satisfy this hunger in unhealthy ways.  The inner hunger cannot be completely satisfied with education, career advancement or money.  Neither can this hunger be satisfied through sensual pleasure, entertainment or leisurely pursuits.  Only in Christ can we find the bread of life that truly satisfies our soul's deepest hunger.

The Psalmist wrote that God, "... satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."  Only the Lord can do this.  Too many expect the church to fill their soul.  Others think that religious activity will satisfy their longing.  Yet these things are ploys by the enemy to divert us from the satisfying pleasure of fellowship with God.

As we close out 2017 and begin a new year, it is an excellent time to do an honest evaluation of your spiritual situation.  Have you been pursuing the wrong things in 2017? 

It should be the resolve of every Christian to make communion with God his #1 priority.  Fellowship with God is food for the soul.  As we spend quality time with God, we feast at His table.  His Word becomes alive as we read it.  Prayer becomes a vital, enjoyable activity.  Church becomes more meaningful and pleasurable.  Sharing Jesus with others becomes more natural.  Loving others, even the worst of people, becomes a reality.

Sometimes we tend to pursue the outcome of fellowship rather than fellowship itself.  Jesus is not a means to an end.  His is the end.  He is all in all.  Only when we find our satisfaction in Him can we truly experience abundant life.

Do you have daily time with God?  Is it the top priority of your day?  Does your daily schedule reflect this?  If not, today is a good time to start.

Start with an open Bible, an open mind and an open heart.  Start your day on your knees, seeking God.  Start your day with Him.  Enjoy communion with Him.

When writing to the Colossians, Paul said, "Christ ... is our life" (see Colossians 3:4).  Christ should be more than part of your life.  In fact, He should be more than the biggest part of your life.  He should be your life.

He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness.  Rather than eating the unhealthy fast food of the world, it is time to bring your spiritual appetite to the Master's table & feast on the good things of God. 

Feast on the bread of life.  He satisfies the hungry soul.


"... thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." - Matthew 1:21

When I was younger, my birthday was a big deal.  I expected to receive a large birthday cake, gifts and a lot of attention.  Birthdays aren't a big deal anymore, although I am grateful to still be having them!

Christmas is the day that has been set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Quite honestly, we do not know the exact date of His birth.  Furthermore, the Bible does not instruct us to remember or celebrate His birth --- however, we are commanded to remember His death.

On Christmas day, we give and receive gifts.  Don't you think it is strange that everyone receives a gift on Jesus' birthday ... except Jesus?  Most Americans go into deep financial debt to give gifts to friends & family members, but they won't give a thought to the One having the birthday. 

The fact is that when Jesus came to earth, He came because of us.  You see, His arrival was a gift to us.  The great need of humanity could only be met through the intervention of God.  Jesus came to meet that need.

Our great need was to be saved from our sins.  Talk show hosts, news reporters and commentators would be quick to say that the need of humanity is for world peace, feeding the poor, helping the needy, and bringing relief to suffering.  While these issues are certainly important, there is no greater need that the eternal welfare of souls.  Sin has separated us from God.  Sin is comic treason against Him and is worthy of eternal destruction.  Being sinners, we are unable to span the chasm between God & us.  As long as we are guilty of sin, we face the eternal death penalty that sinners deserve.

Thankfully, Jesus came and did for us what we could never do for ourselves.  We were spiritually bankrupt and unable to contribute anything to our salvation.  Christ came to pay, in full, the payment due for our offense.  He came to save His people from their sins.

On the cross, Jesus paid for our sins.  The price has been paid!  Redemption is complete for every believer.  When a person repents & believers, complete forgiveness is experienced through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to earth as God's gift to us.  Those who believe in Him are forgiven.  His grace has saved us.  That saving grace is, in itself, a gift of God (see Ephesians 2:8-9).

Christmas is all about God's gift to us.  As recipients of this glorious gift, we should have hearts of gratitude and love.  Instead of succumbing to the world's temptation to extravagantly give gifts to others, perhaps it is time to reevaluate this holiday.  Perhaps our giving needs to be different.  First of all, we should give to the One who is having the birthday.  Honor Him who willingly came, suffered & died so we could be saved.  Secondly, we should share the message of salvation with others.  We should not be content to go to heaven alone.  The message of Christmas is the message of salvation ... and everyone needs to hear it.  Finally, we should give to those in need --- in the Name of the Lord.  This form of generosity should not be reserved just for Christmas ... but all year round.

God gave a gift to you.  This gift was not placed under a tree, but was nailed to one.  His Name is Jesus.  He came to save His people from their sins. 

Thank God for this incredible gift!


"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."
- Jeremiah 8:20

I have been writing about the law of sowing & reaping for several weeks.  As I conclude this little series, I must examine a heartbreaking text.  Jeremiah wrote, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."

What a tragic reality ... some will not be saved.  Many modernists refute this reality, but both the Old & New Testaments declare this truth.  How sad it is to know that the harvest is coming soon and many aren't saved.

In this text, the people are likened unto unharvested wheat.  The harvest is over, but wheat still remains.  The unharvested wheat will perish. 

It is horrifying to know that there will come a time when people will become aware that their opportunity to be saved is forever gone.  It is terrifying to realize that there is no hope ahead.  That is the fate awaiting many.

Here's the thing we need to think about.  Unless a miracle occurs, many people we know will soon wake up in hell.  It will be too late for them to be saved.  Others may be alive when Jesus returns & yet for many, they will be left behind to face the consequences of their sin. 

A person cannot be saved too soon, but there come a time it will be too late to be saved.  The harvest is wrapping up and many are going to be left unsaved.  This includes people we know and love.

These days it is considered politically incorrect to speak the truth with boldness.  While we should never be hostile, arrogant or belligerent, we have a vital message to convey & people need to hear it.  We need to risk our reputations and relationships in order to reach those are near to hell.

Quite honestly, I feel like the American Church has missed the mark.  We try to be relevant and likeable, thinking that somehow we can impress people into heaven.  People don't go to heaven by being impressed, they go to heaven by hearing the plain, but bold truth of the Gospel, repenting of their sins and trusting Christ alone for salvation. 

Time is running out.  Many are headed down the broad, beaten road of sin --- headed for an eternal destination they think little about. 

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment.  Think what it would be like to awaken to the fact that the harvest is past & you are not saved.  Scary, isn't it?  That is what your lost friends and family members are facing. 

It is time for us to be about our Father's business.  Instead of worrying about what they think or say now, consider what they are facing later. 

Perhaps someone reading this message is not ready for eternity.  I am convinced that time is running out.  You don't have time to wait & consider this matter.  This time tomorrow, it may be too late for you.  Turn from your sin and trust Jesus to save you right now.  Humbly surrender your life to Him & ask Him to save & forgive you right now. 

The harvest is nearly over and many aren't saved.  Don't be left behind ... forever.


"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." - Matthew 9:37-38

Here in the mountains of Southern West Virginia, we've been experiencing an economic depression.  Times have been tough.  In the past several years, many families moved away from this region because of a lack of jobs. 

While there may be a shortage of jobs here in my area, there is plenty of work to do in God's Kingdom.  In fact, there is a need for more workers! 

When Jesus saw the multitudes that followed Him, He was moved with compassion.  Seeing the great spiritual need, Jesus said told His disciples, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."   

For several weeks, I've been writing about the law of sowing and reaping.  When Jesus said, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest," he was stating that there is a great need for more people to get involved in the business of sowing the Gospel seed.      

The real issue in Jesus' day was a spiritual hunger among the people.  That same need exists in our day.  The need of our day is desperate. 

Notice Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plenteous."  There was no shortage of people with spiritual need.  In our day, we don't have to go to Hollywood or Washington DC to find spiritual need.  Our neighborhoods are infected with drugs, violence and domestic disputes.  More young people are on crack than in Christ.  Even worse is the eternal fate awaiting these precious souls.  The harvest is truly plenteous.

Secondly, Jesus said, "... the labourers are few."  Few people are sharing the Gospel with those who are lost.  It is tragic that the American Church is more interested in being "relevant" or "entertaining," than reaching souls for Christ. 

Next, Jesus instructed His disciples, "Pray ye..."  Since the need is so great, Jesus challenged His followers to pray about the situation.  Prayer is another vital work that believers are weak in. 

Notice what Jesus asked His disciples to pray about, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."  A. W. Pink once wrote, "It's true that (many) are praying for a worldwide revival. But it would be more timely, and more scriptural, for prayer to be made to the Lord of the harvest, that He would raise up and thrust forth laborers who would fearlessly and faithfully preach those truths which are calculated to bring about a revival." 

We need to pray for God to send more laborers into the harvest.  Many people overseas have never heard the Gospel and we should pray for God to raise up missionaries to go to these unreached groups. There are many in our own country that needs to hear the Gospel.  Pray that God would send great soul winners throughout our land.  There are those in our communities, work places and families who need Jesus.  Pray for the Gospel to change the lives of those dearest to us.

While you're praying for God to send more laborers into the harvest, look in the mirror and ask yourself if you could be the answer to your prayer.  You have the Gospel seed.  Don't die with it still in your hand.  


"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." - 1 Corinthians 3:6

We are approaching wintertime here in the West Virginia mountains.  Garden season has been over for some time.  In this area, we typically plant in the spring and reap during the summer. 

When it comes to sowing God's Word, there is never a bad season.  In fact, Paul instructed Timothy to be "instant in season and out of season."  In other words, evangelism is always in season. 

Most people think that spring and fall are the best times to have revival at a church.  Historically speaking, genuine revival may break out at any time.  The Asbury revival, for instance, occurred in Wilmore, Ky. in early February.  At my own church, I can recall when the Lord moved in special ways during the winter.  We are constantly reminded to continue sowing the Gospel seed regardless of the weather.

The Apostle Paul gives us insight concerning the evangelistic process.  When he wrote to the Corinthian believers, he said, "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase."  Please note a couple of things we learn from this text.

First of all, we learn about the laborers of the harvest.  Paul wrote, "I have planted, Apollos watered."  Paul and Apollos both labored among the Corinthians, but the Lord used them in different ways.  There is a need to plant a seed.  There is also a need to water the seed. 

There is a job for each of us to do.  You may never preach at a stadium outreach event, but you may be able to reach your neighbor.  You may never travel America & conduct evangelistic campaigns, but you can walk over to your co-worker's desk and speak to him or her.  You may never pastor a church, but you can lead your family.

There is a tendency for Christians to get jealous or envious of others who are actively sharing the Gospel.  There's no need to get jealous when others are busy serving the Lord.  However, there is a need to repent if you aren't actively laboring in the harvest field yourself.

Let's get busy in the harvest field.  There's much that needs to be done & there's little time left.  Regardless of the role that you are involved in, be obedient and faithful to the Lord.  The Lord can use you right now.  If he can use a donkey to speak the truth, he can use you!

Finally, we learn about the Lord of the harvest.  "God gave the increase."  Without God, our sowing will be in vain.  While there is a role for the laborers to fulfill, the Lord is the One who accomplishes the miracle.  He is the One who causes the seed to grow and produce a harvest.

It is easy for a farmer to take credit for a large harvest.  If he were honest, though, he'd have to admit that the Lord is the One who blessed his efforts and caused the seed to produce the harvest.

The same is true with the Gospel.  I may plant a seed in the heart of a person.  That person may move to another town & be influenced by another Christian who waters that seed.  Years after my initial contact with that person, a harvest may come about.  I may never know about it.  Certainly, I should receive no credit for the harvest & neither should the person who watered the seed.  All the glory belongs to the One who led me to sow the seed and stirred the person who watered the seed.  The praise belongs to the One who caused the seed to grow and produce a harvest.

As Christians, we tend to exalt pastors, evangelists and soul-winners that see tremendous response to their evangelistic efforts.  While we should honor & respect such men, we should never lose sight of the fact that God is the One who saves souls.  He is the only One who changes lives. 

All the praise belongs to the Lord of the harvest.

Are you working in the harvest field?  I'm reminded of the old song:

In the harvest field now ripened,
There's a work for all to do;
Hark! The voice of God is calling,
To the harvest calling you.

Get busy in the harvest field.  It may be that the seed you sow today will soon bring a glorious harvest!

"The seed is the word of God." - Luke 8:11

What we do today may greatly impact the future.  Our decisions have consequences, some consequences are positive & others are negative.  The Bible states, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  For several weeks now, I've been writing about the law of sowing and reaping.  Today I want to focus on the seed that all of us should be sowing.

Jesus often spoke to His disciples, using parables to communicate His message.  One day, He shared a parable about a sower.  In the parable, the sower threw seed to the ground as he walked.  Some seed fell into poor or rocky ground.  However, some seed fell on good ground, which produced a great harvest.

His disciples were intrigued by the parable and asked Jesus to explain it to them.  Jesus explained that, "the seed is the word of God."  The Word of God is good seed.  If that seed is sown in fertile ground, it is guaranteed to produce a harvest. 

It is sad that this seed is neglected.  While many pursue psychology, human achievement and self-help methods, God's Word remains untouched.  Yet it is the only seed that God promises to bless.  

Realizing the value of God's Word, let me challenge you to do two things with this seed:

First of all, sow this seed in your own life.  Invest time in God's Word daily.  Make sure that this seed sinks deep in the soil of your heart.  Read the Word of God every day.  Meditate on God's Word.  Memorize Scripture.  Stand on God's Word.  Furthermore, attend a local church on a regular basis where you will hear the Word taught and preached.

Prepare your heart to receive God's Word.  Set a specific time to meet with the Lord.  Clear your mind of distractions.  Practice daily repentance.  Come before the Lord with clean hands and clean heart.

Treat the message of the Bible as God's Word to you.  Believe His Word.  Trust His Word.   

Secondly, sow this seed in the lives of others.  Others don't need to hear about your denomination's constitution or your church's by-laws.  They need to hear the Gospel.  People need more than stale religion, they need to be exposed to the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. 

Share the Word of God with family members, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances and even strangers.  Use unique means to get the Word to people.  There's nothing that will change a person's life like exposure to the Word of God.

The seed of God's Word impacted your life & can impact the lives of others, too.  Sow this seed regularly, generously and expectantly. 

If you want to see a good harvest, sow the right seed.  God will bless His Word.  Sow it day!


"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy." - Hosea 10:12

During the past few weeks, I have been writing about the subject of sowing and reaping.  The Bible says, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  The law of sowing & reaping is active whether a person consciously knows it or not.  There are many who are reaping painful consequences to sinful seeds they have sown --- but it doesn't have to be that way.

It is true that if you sow evil seeds, you will reap a corrupt harvest.  But the opposite is also true.  If you sow good seeds, you will reap a good harvest.  Which describes your life?

God said, "Sow to yourselves in righteousness."  This word was given to Israel.  The people had sinned greatly against God & were reaping a harvest of pain.  Now, God is challenging them to change and begin sowing the right seed.

Notice that God instructed Israel to sow, "... in righteousness."  Righteousness refers to moral perfection.  This is the standard by which men are permitted into heaven.  Here's a major problem.  No one measures up to this standard.  We fall way short of righteousness.  Isaiah accurately pointed out that our righteousness is like filthy rags. 

How then can sinful people become righteous people?  How can we sow in righteousness?  The answer is found in Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ, the righteous, came to earth and died upon a cross.  Through His shed blood upon the cross, forgiveness of sin is guaranteed for those who believe.  When a person repents and believes, the righteousness of Jesus is accounted to their lives.  We are made righteous through the blood of Christ. 

Only through faith in Christ can we become righteous people.  At salvation, we experience real change through the power of God.  Then we live with a different mind-set, a desire to honor God with our words & deeds.  We begin to sow in righteousness.

Israel had strayed far away from God.  Although they had outward religion, they were far from the Lord in reality.  Through the writing of the prophet Hosea, God was calling Israel to renew her faith in Him and begin sowing in righteousness. 

Our nation, like Israel is far from God.  We wonder why our nation is such a mess today.  The answer is found in the fact that our nation is sowing with ungodliness.  We, like Israel, need to repent.  We need to return to God.  We need to seek Him and honor Him.  We need to sow in righteousness.

Finally, God told Israel to "sow to yourself in righteousness, reap in mercy."  Here's a fundamental fact about the law of sowing and reaping.  You tend to reap MORE than you sow.  God promised Israel a harvest of mercy, if they would sow in righteousness.

They needed mercy.  They had sinned greatly before God.  Before we arrogantly judge Israel for her sinfulness, we must look in the mirror and see the same thing.  We need God's mercy ourselves. 

Right now, America stands on the threshold of judgment.  Rather than pleading for justice, let us beg for mercy.  However, we must recognize that mercy is the harvest.  Before our nation can enjoy a desired harvest, our country must sow the right seed.  If we seek mercy, we must first sow in righteousness. 

We have just a limited time to live here on earth.  This is the sowing season for us.  On a personal level, are you sowing in righteousness or are you sowing with selfishness?  Are you sowing good seed or scattering wicked seed?  Are you living for the Lord or for yourself? 

It is time to sow in righteousness!          

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." - Hosea 8:7

We are living in a turbulent world.  The recent act of violence at a Texas church is a reminder that there is no safe place in this world.  In recent years there have been acts of violence at work places, malls, schools and colleges.  The sanctity of the home is not immune from violence.  We are living in a wicked world.

During the last few blog messages, I have addressed the subject of sowing & reaping.  America is certainly reaping what she has sown.  Most would object to this analysis, but I believe it is true.  "Sex education" is taught in schools ... and then we wonder why teenage pregnancy is common.  Sin is celebrated.  Righteousness is ridiculed.  Right is considered wrong & wrong is considered right.  "Political correctness" has replaced common sense.  Somehow, it has become "acceptable" for some to show disrespect to those in authority and even celebrate acts of violence against law enforcement agents. What in the world has happened to our country?

America is reaping what she has sown.  Our careless attitude to God's Word has led to the mess we are in.  Somehow, Americans think they can live in violation to God's law and somehow be immune to the consequences.  God has promised that there would be consequences to sin and we are reaping what we have sown.

What is the cure for America's woes?  In response to this question, we must return to the law of sowing & reaping.  If we want a different harvest, we must sow different seeds. 

It is time we face the truth.  While many celebrate the legalization and propagation of sin, we must honestly admit that this has been our problem.  Pastor James MacDonald often says, "If you choose to sin, you choose to suffer."  When you sow sinful seeds, you'll reap a painful, deadly harvest.  That is the problem with America.

America needs to turn to God.  Rather than embracing sin, we need to embrace the Savior.  Instead of celebrating lawlessness, we need to submit to God's Word. 

It is wrong to expect God's blessings when we deliberately pursue the very things He has specifically condemned.  There is something more sacred than the US Constitution --- and that's the Bible.  The Bible is God's Word.  It is the truth.  America will either live by the truth or she will die. 

America is facing self-destruction.  America has placed herself in jeopardy of God's wrath. 

Repentance is the only way judgment may be avoided.  In Jonah's day, the mega-city, Nineveh, faced God's wrath.  After hearing Jonah's message, the people repented and the city was spared.

It is time for Americans to do the same. 


"Break up your fallow ground." - Hosea 10:12

Before a man can sow seed in his field, he must first prepare the soil.  In my opinion, the most difficult part of having a garden is the tilling process.  It is hard work.  When my grandfather was alive, he would plow his garden using a horse and plow.  When my parents moved on the mountain, we used a tiller.  Either way, the purpose was to prepare the soil for the planting of seed.

The purpose of tilling the land is two-fold.  First, tilling the ground breaks up the hard clay and causes the soil to be soft and profitable for sowing.  Secondly, plowing rids the soil of unwanted weeds.  The plow would do more than simply cut the weeds --- it would uproot them & chew them up.  This is important because weeds will hinder the growth of any plant that a seed may produce.

Your heart is much like the soil.  Preparation is needed to get your heart ready for God's seed.  Regardless of your level of love for Jesus or commitment to Him, there are times when your heart gets hard & your love cools off.  At this point, the hard ground of your heart needs to be plowed. 

Weeds also come in our lives on a regular basis.  When I was growing up, I always hated the chore of hoeing the garden.  It was a process of getting rid of weeds and gathering soil around the new plant.  I learned quickly that you never get rid of weeds permanently.  Weeds grow when nothing else will.  It is surprising to recognize weeds in our lives.  Often times, others recognize the weeds before we do.  Simple neglect can aid the weeds in their quest to take over your life.  The weeds need to be cut down in your life on a regular basis. 

How does God break up the fallow ground and uproot the weeds?  The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to reveal sin and convict us.  The Word of God is like a mirror.  When you look in a mirror, you see a reflection of yourself.  A mirror shows you reality.  A mirror may show you that your face is dirty.  You may have been unaware of that.  That is what the Word of God does ... it shows us the dirt in our lives.  Furthermore, the Bible shows us how to be cleansed of the dirt.

God uses His Word to break up the hardness of your heart.  His Word exposes the weeds in your life and challenges you to surrender to Him so He may uproot them, by the power of the Spirit.

Spiritual plowing takes place as you read your Bible.  At times, a Biblical sermon may convict you.  A Christian book may be used of the Spirit to stir a heart that once was hard. 

We tend to resist the plowing process for several reasons.  First, plowing is a dirty, thankless job.  Secondly, plowing is hard work.  Finally, the tilling process can be painful.  Don't hinder the plowing process.  Without it, you can never enjoy a fruitful harvest. 

God is serious about seeing fruit in your life.  He is not satisfied to see a life full of weeds --- and you shouldn't be either. 

"But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." - 2 Corinthians 9:6

In the past couple of messages, I've written about the fact that a man reaps what he has sown.  As we think about the law of sowing and reaping, we should make sure we are sowing the right seed.

Not only is it important to sow the right seed, it is important to sow it often.  I think we'd all agree that you have a better chance to have a great harvest if you plant several acres of corn than you would if you planted just one hill of corn.  The more you plant, the more you will reap.

The more you read the Bible, the more the Bible changes you.  The more you help someone else, the better you feel within.  The more you share the Gospel, the greater the chances of seeing someone saved.  You see, the more you sow, the greater the chance that you'll have a great harvest.

When Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he challenged them to be generous with their finances.  Notice what he wrote, "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully."  I am not a prosperity preacher.  I do not agree with the "health & wealth gospel" that some propagate.  However, I will state this.  God blesses those who give.  The more you give, the more He blesses.

The happiest people I know do not have much money, but they are generous.  Why are they so happy?  God blesses them.  The more they bless others, the more they find themselves being blessed.

Many Christians are stingy.  In fact, they are sinfully stingy.  They are cheating themselves out of the blessing of giving.  They are not only hurting others & the work of Christ through their stinginess, they are hurting themselves.

One of my favorite epistles is the book of Philippians.  In that tiny book of four chapters, the Apostle Paul often mentions words like "joy," and "rejoicing."  The book of Philippians is a joyous, victorious book.  Yet we also learn something about the Philippians from that epistle:  they were generous.  In fact, the book of Philippians was a "thank you," note from Paul.  That small church had given sacrificially to Paul as he worked for Jesus.  Because of their generosity, God blessed the church at Philippi. 

I've always heard preachers say, "You can't out-give God."  I believe that is true.  I believe that God does special things in the lives of those who give generously.  You see, they sow bountifully and they reap bountifully.

Some of the sourest people I know are stingy.  They have a sour expression on their face.  They mope and complain.  They have sown sparingly and they are reaping sparingly.

Generosity is not just about money.  Generosity can also be about your time and talents.  Giving people are blessed people.  God loves a cheerful giver.  When someone gives their time, talents or treasures, God blesses them. 

Nowhere in the Bible does it state that if you give $10 to a church that God will give you $100 in return.  We should not treat God like He is the stock market or a slot machine.  Instead, we should give generously in His Name because we love Him.  In response, He will bless us in many different ways.  

Ultimately, Christians should be laying up treasures in heaven.  Here on earth, we are making eternal investments.  When we invest in God's kingdom, be assured that there will be a guaranteed harvest.  Although God blesses His children here on earth, I believe our greatest blessings are yet to come.  I believe that there are many things we've forgotten that God still remembers.  He remembers when you took time to speak to a hurting person.  He remembers the time you gave money to a poor person.  He recalls the time that you helped someone in need.  He blessed you when you blessed them ... but He has even greater blessings in store.  There are treasures waiting in heaven for those who've served Jesus because they loved Him.

Don't sow a little here and a little there.  Sow the right seed and sow it generously.  If you sow bountifully, you WILL reap bountifully.


"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." - Galatians 6:8

Last week, I wrote about the law of sowing and reaping.  We learned that the law was a natural law and a spiritual law.  The law is active whether a person consciously knows it or not. 

Many people are reaping what they have sown.  For instance, some are in prison, reaping what they have sown.  Others are reaping, experiencing the ill affects of substance abuse.  Then there are people who are reaping what they've sown as they struggle with sexually transmitted diseases.  Although these examples may seem extreme to most people, they are reminders that we are responsible for our decisions & that we reap what we sow.

Despite all the reaping going on in our world right now, the great harvest is yet to come.  Paul wrote, "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."  Harvest time is coming.  People will be reaping what they have sown.

The Bible makes it very clear that every person will some day stand before God.  Judgment is coming to all of us. 

As I wrote last week, the law of sowing & reaping can be positive or negative. That is certainly the case with the judgment to come.  Paul wrote that some will ultimately reap corruption and others will reap life everlasting.  What will cause some to face corruption while others enjoy eternal life?  The answer is found in the life they sowed.

Paul wrote, "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption."  Those who've lived apart from God will spend eternity apart from Him.  Ultimately, Jesus will reject those who've rejected Him.  People who deny Christ here on earth will be denied entrance into heaven.  People will reap what they have sown.  People who've sown to the wind will reap the whirlwind.  Men who've pursued sin will reap the consequences because Paul wrote, "... the wages of sin is death."  If a man plays with fire, he WILL get burnt.  It is wrong for a man or woman to live like the devil and still expect to go to heaven.  They will reap what they've sown.

On the other side of the coin, Paul wrote, "... but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."  Harvest time is coming for those who belong to the Lord.  Those who've sown "to the Spirit," have been changed by the power of the Spirit.  The Spirit had convicted, converted and changed them.  They've been born again by the Spirit.  The Spirit of God indwells them.  The Spirit of God directs them.  The Spirit of God is sanctifying them.  Ultimately, the Spirit of God will raise them.  These disciples of Jesus have died to sin and denied self in order to follow Him.  God has invested much in these saints & they are investing in Him.  They are laying up treasures in heaven.  They are sowing in the Spirit and not the flesh.  They have received Jesus, confessed Jesus and trusted in Jesus.  He is their all-in-all.  He is precious to them.  They have found the Pearl of Great Price and have sold out to invest in Him.  They, too, will reap what they have sown.  They have sown to the Spirit & through the Spirit they are reaping everlasting life.

Which really describes your life?  If you live for the devil, you will spend eternity with him.  If you live for Jesus, you will spend eternity with Him. 

Harvest time is coming & you will reap what you've sown.  

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap." - Galatians 6:7

We live in a land of laws.  Some of our laws become outdated and are replaced. Other laws are wrong from inception and are eventually repealed.  Still there are laws that have been around for ages and are great laws ... laws that will always be in effect. 

Also, there are natural laws.  These laws were not passed by Congress and can't be removed by the Supreme Court.  For instance, there is the law of gravity.  You may not like that law.  You may not agree with the law.  You may not even respect the law, but if you walk off a cliff, the law of gravity will still be in effect ... and down you will go. 

God enacted natural laws.  He designed them.  He expects us to observe and respect them.  You may campaign against natural laws, but that would be a waste of time.  You can get a rally organized, but the natural laws will still stand.

I want us to focus on a law that is considered a natural law, but it is much more than that --- it is a spiritual law.  The Apostle Paul wrote, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  The law of sowing & reaping is a law that most people neglect to think about, but it impacts their lives anyhow.

Paul wrote, "Be not deceived."  To live in denial of this law is an act of self-deception.  Sadly, many are deceived.  Many think they can sow wickedness and reap tranquility.  Some believe that if they sow in secret, a harvest will never come.  Regardless of whether you sow secretly or publicly, a harvest is certain. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that private thoughts or secret deeds are immune to the law of sowing and reaping.  They are not.

Paul goes on to say, "God is not mocked."  You can't fool God.  You may fool your spouse, your boss or your pastor, but you'll never fool God.  God knows your thoughts, He sees your deeds and He hears your words. 

Finally, Paul reveals this law in all its truth:  "... whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  The implications of this law are profound.  More than likely, you are already reaping what you've sown.  Furthermore, you will continue reaping what you've sown. 

For now, let's look at the basics of this law.

First of all, you reap what you sow.  A farmer knows that if he plants corn, he will eventually see corn stalks in his garden.  He doesn't expect to reap beans if he has planted corn.  You reap what you have sown.

Your deeds are seeds.  What you do has consequences.  Sometimes the consequences don't seem too impressive.  At other times, the consequences can be severe.  Regardless, you will reap what you've sown.

Secondly, you will reap more than you sow.  The reason a farmer plants corn is because he expects a greater harvest of corn than he plants.  Sometimes a small seed can produce a vast harvest.  The tallest tree once began with a seed.  A large fortune can begin with a single invested dollar.  You will reap more than you sow.

Finally, you reap later than you sow.  A farmer may plant his garden in May, but often it is late July or August before the full harvest comes in.  You often reap later than you sow. 

The law of sowing and reaping can be a positive law ... and it can be a negative law --- it all depends on what you sow.

Here's a word all of us need to hear.  John Maxwell said, "If you don't like the harvest you are reaping, change the seeds you are sowing."  You can't change the law, but you can change the seed you're planting.

Be assured of this:  you will reap what you sow, so sow the right seed.  The law of sowing and reaping is a law that will not be repealed.


"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18

We are living in dangerous times.  Riots, racial tension, terrorism and mass killings have become a regular headline in the national news.  Just recently, a lone gunman killed nearly 60 people in Las Vegas.  As a nation, we are appalled at such a tragedy. 

Let's be honest about it.  There are no safe places to live.  Violence may erupt in rural areas as well as urban settings.  No one is safe in their own home, despite the amount of security measures that are enacted.  Violent crimes have even taken place in schools and houses of worship. 

Being a Christian does not make a person immune to violence.  Christians are often slain along with the pagans in such acts of evil.  There are certain terror groups who target Christians with acts of cruelty and death.  While there are times that God intervenes & protects His people, there are also times that He permits His people to suffer ... and to die.  We do not follow Jesus because He offers physical security; we follow Him because of who He is.  He never promised us a life free of pain, problems or persecution.  On the contrary, He promised that His followers would endure persecution and tribulation. 

While living in such violent times, we need to remember a few things:

We should always be focused on the fact that we are not here on earth to live for ourselves.  Our purpose in life is to glorify God, not the pursuit of temporal comfort, pleasure or wealth.  We have a short space of time to live here on earth.  We don't know when or how we will leave here.  In the time we have left, let us live for Jesus.  There are no regrets to those who live for Him.

There are many who try to get Christians to compromise in areas of doctrine, conviction and ethics.  There is overt pressure placed on us to conform to this world.  We need to remind ourselves that we here on earth to please only One ... and not the world.  In an age of violence, fear tends to grip people's lives.  Living for Jesus does not preclude us from having fears, but it gives us direction and hope while living in a world of grief and pain.

It isn't wrong to watch the TV news, but it is not the final authority for us.  The latest popularity polls should not govern our lives.  The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105).  This world is shrouded with darkness.  Apart from God's Word, we are prone to stumble and fall.  God's Word gives us the wisdom and insight that our pagan neighbors do not have.  They can be easily swayed by the indoctrination of the world.  We have an unchanging Word from God.  We need to read His Word daily, believe His Word continually, obey His Word explicitly and stand on His Word faithfully. 

We do not know what lies ahead in this life.  An act of violence may erupt at the workplace.  A gunman may open fire at the mall.  A terrorist may sabotage the drinking water.  A deranged neighbor may open fire at the church or school.  We pray that these kinds of evil acts will never occur, but they may.  Despite the possibility of violence and persecution, it should not dim our faith.  Our faith is not based upon a good day tomorrow, but the One who holds tomorrow.  Tomorrow may be a good day ... then again it may be a bad day.  Tomorrow could be our final day on earth.  Regardless, we should approach each day with our faith and confidence in Jesus Christ alone.  Our future is in His hand.  Should this be our final day on earth, we know that when we leave this world, we will be in a better place, with the Lord Himself.  Uncertainty, violence and death should not dim our focus on the promise of heaven. 

Paul wrote, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."  Paul did not promise us that suffering would not come.  Instead, he wrote that the sufferings of this life couldn't be compared to the glory that lies ahead.  In this life, there may be violence.  In the Lord, there is victory. 

We should not define, "victory," as about us getting our own way.  Nor should "victory," be described as living a comfortable, carefree life.  Instead, victory is all about God being glorified as we live for Him, trust Him and obey Him.  We should do His will and leave the results up to Him. 

Victory is not about avoiding death, but trusting & obeying God in the face of death.  In regards to death and the resurrection, Paul wrote, "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  We don't earn victory --- it is given to us.  Jesus won the victory when He died and rose again.  He has conquered death, hell and the grave.  He took the sting of death away.  He has put a nail in the coffin of death.  

In spite of all that we may face in this violent, wicked world, we can agree with the Apostle, who wrote, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

Praise the Lord for victory in Jesus!


"For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants."
- Isaiah 44:3

As I write this, we are experiencing a dry spell here in West Virginia.  Technically, we are not in a drought, but we have had an extended time without rain.  Such conditions make these mountains vulnerable to brush fires. 

I trust that this dry spell will end soon, but the greater concern is the spiritual condition of this area.  I believe that we are experiencing a spiritual drought here in these mountains ... and not just in these mountains, but also across our country. 

What about you?  Are you going through a spiritual drought?  How long has it been since you spent quality time in God's Word?  When was the last time you wept for lost souls?  Can you honestly say that you are walking close to God right now?

The people of Israel knew about spiritual droughts.  Often, they would face severe consequences for their sin.  Their droughts would often last many years.  God spoke to Israel and offered a glorious promise:  "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants."  The promise of cool water was an exciting prospect for thirsty souls. 

If you are going through a spiritual drought, I think there are some things we can learn from Israel's experience.

First of all, recognize that you are going through a drought.  A person can go through a dry spell for a while without realizing it.  Eventually, the signs of a drought become obvious. 

Sadly, some seem oblivious to their situation while others try to pretend that all is well.  The best thing you can do is to be honest with yourself and God.  If you are going through a spiritual drought, admit it.  While we need to admit that we are going through a drought, it doesn't mean that we should resign ourselves into staying there.  We should never be content to live in a drought. 

Secondly, we need to rely on God's power.  When God spoke to Israel, He made it very clear that He had the power to end a drought.  He is the One who controls the water faucets of heaven.  He can cause rain to fall on a desert.  Regardless of the duration of your drought, it is time for you to look to God for rain.  Showers may fall in your life at any time!

Finally, it is time to trust the Lord.  You don't have to stay in a drought.  Get back in God's Word and stand on His promises.  In our text, God promised rain for the dry land of Israel.  He's the One who sent the rain in Elijah's day after a three and a half year drought. He's the same One that promised showers of blessing in Ezekiel's time.  Also, remember that He brought spiritual rain on the day of Pentecost.  He can bring the rain in your life, too!

The only thing worse than being in a spiritual drought is remaining in a drought.  Right now you can look up to the One who can end your drought.

Perhaps you could be soaking wet by the end of today!


"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
- 2 Timothy 4:7

When I was in elementary school, each year my school would hold a "field day" event for the kids, usually at the very end of the school year.  Individual and team events would be conducted during "field day."  One of the team events was the 440-relay.  Each homeroom had four of their fastest runners compete.  One year I was the second runner on my team.  The first runner on my team was obviously inexperienced at running such a distance.  He started running fast ... but then ran out of steam.  He started well but he didn't finish well.  Our team never recovered from his disastrous run.  We finished third ... which wouldn't be so bad, but there were just three teams.

That event has remained in my memory all these years.  It taught me a valuable lesson:  it is not how well you start, but how you finish that really matters.  Many great men had a rough start in life, but they finished well.  On the other hand, we've all known men who were very successful, but then failed miserably near the end.  When we hear the name, Richard Nixon, we normally think about the Watergate scandal.  When we hear the name, Jim Bakker, we typically remember the scandal that ended the PTL Club & led to his incarceration.  These examples prove that when a person fails greatly, people tend to remember the failure rather than the good deeds that preceded it. 

As I thought about the rest of my life, I knew that there was one goal I needed to concentrate on:


I don't want to be remembered by a blunder I made near the end of my life.  Instead, I'd prefer to be remembered as a Godly man who finished well.

The Apostle Paul was a man who finished well.  As he wrote his final words to Timothy, Paul wrote, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  Paul was going to finish well.  

As we consider how Paul finished well, we learn how we can do the same.

Paul wrote, "I have fought the good fight."  We are in a spiritual war.  Every day we have an enemy that opposes us.  This foe fights us tooth and nail as we seek to glorify God.  Don't think for a moment that the warfare eases as we near the finish.  The devil will fight us all the way to grave.  We must fight him fiercely every moment, every day.  Paige Patterson once said, "You can't coast for a single day."  We can't afford to be complacent when the enemy seeks to destroy our testimony and those dearest to us.  Be fierce ... all the way to the end.

Paul also wrote, "I have finished my course."  Like a runner, Paul was about to cross the finish line.  Earlier I mentioned that I liked to run when I was younger.  One thing I learned about running is this:  we can only be successful if we keep our eye on the finish line.  If a runner turns to look at spectators or look back to see other runners, he loses time and can easily stumble.  Paul kept focused on the finish line.

When we consider that judgment looms ahead, it gives us fresh incentive to finish well.  Stay focused!

Finally, Paul wrote, "I have kept the faith."  If we want to finish well, we must be faithful to the end.  Our salvation is not contingent upon our faithfulness, but the Lord's faithfulness.  We should be faithful till the end for several reasons.  First, we will stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ soon and we want to be found faithful in the stewardship entrusted to us.  Secondly, we want to receive a full reward on that day.  Third, we want to leave a heritage behind for those who follow us.  We want others to be inspired to be faithful themselves. 

Being faithful is more than attending church occasionally.  Faithfulness requires continual obedience and devotion to God. 

Be fierce.  Be focused.  Be faithful. 

That's how you finish well. 

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...